You’re Like A Drug, With Side Effects And All

You're like a drug, with side effects and all

Some people come into your life and leave a mark that is hard to wash off. Just like a drug, these people make you experience all kinds of extraordinary sensations, which make you addicted to them. Unaware of the effect they have on you, they alter your composition and make you completely lose control. However, in the case of feelings, as with drugs, the pleasure is accompanied by various side effects.

The mind loses itself in detailed fantasies, while the body tries to find the bottom under its feet, so that it can keep its feet firmly on the ground. Inside you are arguing with yourself to convince yourself that everything is still the same as it was before. Your body wears the disguise of normality, to disguise the inner whirlwind that your eyes cannot hide.

An emotional hangover

By just appearing in our lives, these people create a huge wave that shakes our still waters. That tidal wave, however, is accompanied by a huge hangover, which then slowly recedes as the wave retreats into the calm current.

Drug Side Effects

Every action has an even, opposite reaction. Intense, complex emotions affect both the mind and body, throwing them off balance and prompting you to take action to stabilize things that have been disrupted by these kinds of feelings.

After the chaos that caused the impact is over, you must do your best to put everything back in its place. Some earthquakes are capable of moving even the sturdiest buildings. Despite the tremors, however, the skyscraper remains upright, while the top section shakes back and forth, the base remains solid.

I lost my reason so I could find it again

I hung over the edge of the abyss so I could look down, but not to fall. I was bound by my reason, but with one jerk my reason was suddenly able to escape through the window. Without warning, my speech left me hanging there over the abyss, the rope loose and the window still open.

Drug Side Effects

Again I looked over the edge of the abyss, and although the depth still gave me a fear of heights, I was aware that my feet were still on the ground. I closed the window so that nothing could escape, and when I opened the door to leave, I bumped into my reason, who had returned scared.

My speech looked me in the eye and asked ‘do you want me to stay, or do you want me to leave again?’ I pretended to know the answer while my reason stood listening to me, pretending that my opinion really mattered.

You are the chaos in my ordered world

You’re like a drug that comes with nasty side effects. You are the substance that excites me, moves me, and makes me feel shivers through my body for days. You are the blow that overwhelms me and hinders my judgment, leaving me at the mercy of feelings that follow their own path.

Without even trying, you slip through the bars of the cage, uninvited, to turn my order into chaos. A blessed chaos that delights me in just a few seconds and at the same time upsets me, reminding me of things I thought I had forgotten.

However, in this chaos hides the pleasure, in turning everything that was once neatly in place, in not sticking to our plans and improvising from the heart.

Drug Side Effects

The things that tempt you during the night, that make you think only of him for a moment, can be very disturbing the next day. Drugs without side effects do not exist. Side effects that can only subside with some time and the right care.

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