What Kind Of Stress Are You Suffering From?

What kind of stress do you suffer from?

Stress is a change, a state of nervousness that we find ourselves in for a situation that demands a lot from us. When we have to perform at a much higher level than normal, for example during the period just before a test, stress kicks in.

Stress can be good when it helps us to sit down and concentrate. However, it can also be bad and turn us off when it’s time to finish the tasks we have to do. Today you will learn about the types of stress you can suffer from.

If you know your type of stress, you will be able to face it in the best way. What’s your kind?


Eustress is a very positive form of stress. It is a stimulating and motivating stress that promotes the good performance of the person experiencing it. Eustress fills you with vitality, with an energy that, until that moment, was seen as burned out or absent.


In which situations is eustress useful? An example would be exam week, when we know we need to study, but we fail to get ourselves to do it. Many people have to wait until the day before the exam to feel eustressed and to motivate them to focus and perform in a way they didn’t have the days before.

This stress also  increases your creative abilities. Imagine there is a new project at your company and you need to come up with something new and original. You need ideas! Eustress can increase the potential for these ideas that you didn’t have before.

The problem with eustress? It only shows up at the last minute and biologically we can’t hold this state for very long either.


As the opposite of eustress, unrest is very negative. It is an unpleasant form of stress that always appears when a threat is present. Worry, panic or anxiety are some of the symptoms seen in a person suffering from anxiety.

Anxiety can show itself in the light of a lost job, an illness that a family member suffers from, an accident, etc. It is a situation that changes everything at once, something we did not see coming and that surprises us. In concrete terms, it can be said that a change in our routine, in our lives, can bring unrest.

But this is not the worst. Freeing ourselves from this form of stress is very difficult. We will have to fight hard to be strong enough to face it so that it cannot overcome us, especially since unrest can  eventually cause disease.

You’re probably starting out with a cold, allergies, or eczema that’s starting to become normal. But this can lead to more serious conditions.  So be careful with unrest! Don’t let it beat you.

hyper stress

Hyperstress is when we are overwhelmed by excessive emotional sensations. We are unable to process these emotions and this is why we end up being overwhelmed.


When does hyper stress surface? When we are engaged in an activity that requires undue effort from us. Let’s think back to work, which often calls for a truly superhuman effort. We give more than we can give, eventually going beyond our limits and the smallest thing can make us explode.

Anger destroys us; it is something that can emerge at any time. Once we have to put in even more effort, an emotional explosion will be triggered  and it will be impossible to stop it.


Hypostress occurs when we are bored and lacking motivation. It’s a very different kind of stress than anything we’ve seen so far. A stress whose cause is not pressure, but the exact opposite.

This form of stress affects restless, highly creative people who are forced to perform repetitive tasks. They may even feel blocked or unable to do what they want to do for various reasons. In this state, such a person is stressed. He needs new experiences and jobs that require continuous learning and experiencing new things.

Wind up

You will identify with this stress if there is a moment during your vacation where you need it to go back to work, to have goals again and to feel pressure… Is this your kind of stress?

These four types of stress can appear as a combination or in different situations in our lives, but there is always one that is more dominant than the others. Do you suffer from eustress, but also from hypostress? Share with us what your type of stress is.

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