What Factors Influence Our Well-being?

What factors influence our well-being?

Well-being is a complex ecosystem. By ‘ecosystem’ we mean that there are several factors that work together at the same time to influence how we feel. And each has a different effect and a different intensity. Well-being is a term you hear a lot, but we don’t always know exactly what ‘being well’ actually means. The bottom line is that we don’t know how to achieve it!

It normally consists of six different factors. These are: the emotional, intellectual, work-related, physical, social and spiritual aspects. Each of these factors can make our lives better or worse, depending on how each of them is doing, which is why they are so important to our well-being.

Even if we don’t realize it, all these factors or variables play a role in our lives. We have to be careful because we may think that our well-being depends on just a few of them. These one or two aspects may be the ones that worry us most or are most pleasing to us. However, we must realize that they all work together. Together they help to enrich or impoverish our lives. Let’s analyze them one by one.

Well-being and the emotional aspect

This factor has to do with recognizing and accepting your emotions and feelings. It includes the ability to reason about yourself in a coherent way and to be aware of your own strengths and limitations.

Emotional well-being is the ability to express your feelings and understand those of others. It is also the ability to evaluate yourself correctly. In addition, it can be expressed as assertiveness and proactiveness.

Emotional support and well-being

The intellectual aspect

Intellectual well-being is linked to the ability to perform creative mental actions. It’s how we use what we’ve learned and experienced to solve problems, both everyday problems and more complex ones. It also includes the ability to detect and address inconsistencies.

We experience it when we are curious and want to learn. We try new ways to solve problems. This aspect also includes examining and assessing different intellectual points of view.

Well-being at work

Well-being at work is when we get satisfaction from the work we do. It is a good attitude to work and the ability to find a job that is in line with our interests. Well-being at work is when we develop new skills in our work or whatever we do every day. We also associate work with personal values ​​and the desire to improve.

Well-being at work

physical well-being

Physical well-being has to do with taking care of our health and appearance. To achieve it, we need to eat right and exercise, work on good habits and drop bad habits. It equals paying attention and taking care of your body. People who enjoy it care about their personal hygiene and how they look. You feel physically good if your daily actions are all aimed at self-preservation.

The social factor

Social well-being is related to the ability to create a balanced social environment. This includes the ability to interact constructively with people. It also includes ending all kinds of relationships that are bad for us.

We achieve social well-being through solid and stable support networks based on mutual aid and understanding. Respect is also a good expression of it. Likewise, it includes the ability to set boundaries.

Mental wellbeing

Mental well-being has to do with the importance and attention we give to life. It is closely related to the meaning we give to our own lives. Spirituality is achieved when you can see the facts from a long-term perspective. It’s when you take a set of values ​​and be consistent with them.

Woman in nature takes care of her well-being

It implies the ability to identify with and adhere to universal values. Also, the desire to fight for and participate actively in different causes is part of mental well-being. We could say that our mental well-being is the sum of the other factors.

Well-being is versatile

As you can see, well-being is a word that encompasses so many different aspects. And as we said, all the factors involved are permanently in play. Sometimes we lose sight of one or more of these factors because we are particularly sensitive to just that one.

It is always important to remember that people are versatile. That’s why wellness is so complex. Try not to lose sight of all the facets that make up it. They are all connected. So if you miss one, other aspects that are going well can balance things out.

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