What Color Is Your Personality?

What color is your personality?

Our daily reality is surrounded by all kinds of different colors. From this we choose a few that we want to have around us regularly. Maybe you do this without being aware of it or maybe you are fully aware of the colors that are constantly present in your environment.

Intense, warm and faint colors that go through life with us, through our clothes, the color of our car, the color of the walls in our house, our makeup and the objects we intuitively place in our environment , based on our preferences. However, why are we attracted to these colors? What color is your personality?

The relationship between colors and your personality

At first, this may seem pretty nonsensical – a game that has no scientific value. However, we can tell you that studies on colors and personalities have brought up a fair amount of important literature. Psychologists and marketers have researched this in different ways. They looked at how certain colors affect us, how certain colors can make us choose to buy one product and not another, and how we can use certain colors to promote certain moods. A whole world of suggestions just waiting to be discovered.

It is good to remember that colors are part of a light spectrum and therefore they emit certain energies, based on the wavelength. For example, imagine how you would feel if you entered a room that was completely black. Or what feeling would come to your mind when you were sitting in a room that was all green and blue. We cannot deny it; colors evoke certain sensations and emotions. Now let’s see how colors can be related to our personality:

  • Red:  Intense, active and very optimistic. People who like red often have a very strong character and a clear tendency towards competition in the workplace, with a little bit of impulsiveness and a certain urge to be in control. These people are very confident and have an open and intense character. Disadvantages of this character are the fast impulses and the lack of reflection.
  • Orange:  Are you very social, but do you stay within the lines? Orange corresponds to people who like to surround themselves with other people, but at the same time want to maintain a certain degree of seriousness and balance. These people are understanding and very approachable. They generally enjoy sports, exercise and achieving small goals every day. They are not very impulsive, but they do enjoy initiating projects that can feel involved and full of illusion.
  • Yellow: These people are very creative. However, despite their creative aptitude, they are also quite logical. And rather than an overwhelming imagination, their imagination is rather on the rational and practical side. These types of people are often quite analytical and at times quite strict with themselves. In such a way that they are just as demanding of themselves as the people around them. They also have a lot of control over their emotions.
  • Green:  People who like green have a relaxed personality. These people especially find it very valuable to contribute to the lives of others and also appreciate it very much when other people contribute to their lives. They are looking for closeness and want to feel safe and loved by the people they have a close relationship with. Sometimes their independence makes them afraid of getting hurt, yet they remain very lively and positive people – very positive in fact. These types of people also generally like to be recognized for their efforts and actions.
  • Blue: The personality of these people is all about balance and inner peace. People who have a preference for blue are almost always looking for tranquility and inner peace. They live by their beliefs and thoughts, without giving importance to the opinions and thoughts of others. They are not easy to talk to and will hardly ever abandon their deep-seated values ​​and integrity. This personality is strong, yet relaxed and very balanced.
  • Purple: These are orderly, very emotional and above all very spiritual people. Their profile is also very sensitive but when they are hurt they are less likely to show it and choose to remain silent and not express their emotions at the moment. Before showing the back of their tongue, they often first choose to meditate and reflect and figure out a way to turn their thoughts into words. They reflect, think, strive for inner peace and are very willing to help and guide others. Often they are completely absorbed in humanitarian causes.
  • Brown: This personality is rooted in the earth; in that which is of a corporeal and simple nature. These people like natural and relaxed lifestyles and their idea of ​​comfort is being constantly surrounded by their loved ones.
  • Grey: This is not a negative color, not at all. If we put aside the well-known associations that people usually have with the color gray and the feelings of sadness that they usually associate with this color, we might be able to see that  people who like gray are balanced, calm and sometimes be somewhat conservative. These people can also be quite cold and therefore rational, which makes it often difficult to get these people angry. One of their main shortcomings is their tendency towards passive aggressiveness. In addition, they will almost never deviate from their routine to go along with more complicated plans.

After reading this article you will probably recognize yourself in one or more colors. This is normal and to be expected. So tell me: What color is your personality?

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