What Are The Characteristics Of Committed People?

There are false, superficial people and there are committed people. The first group consists of people who sell their values, their deceptive mottos and their empty words in exchange for hidden interests. The latter group is less common. But these are people who inspire. They are sincere. Their objectives are clear. They stand up for what they believe in without any hesitation or fear. We will introduce you to the characteristics of committed people in this article.

A few years ago, a worldwide survey was carried out. The intent was to measure the level of commitment people had. The slogan of the survey was “Inspire to connect.” The idea was to estimate three very specific variables: commitment to self, to others and to our planet and the environment.

The results were very striking. In addition, it was valuable to delve deeper into it for several reasons. These are the countries that achieved the highest scores on the three scales: South Africa, Argentina and Spain. On the other hand, China and Japan were at the bottom of the list. But what exactly are the characteristics of committed people?

Characteristics of Dedicated People


To understand the difference between deceitful people and committed people, let’s first define what we mean by “dedication”. In general, this term refers to a description of a purpose. It has to do with a plan to achieve an objective, with defending it and with showing it to the outside world. But it also has emotional and cognitive characteristics: having a clear and determined sense of what is important to us, what inspires us and what we believe in. So these are important characteristics of committed people.

So devotion must start from within. First we need harmony between what we think and what we do. False people also start from within. But they don’t feed their powers. Their ideals and values ​​are reinforced by their shortcomings and by what they lack. So they have to get it from outside themselves.

Here’s something else we need to consider. There are those who are committed to the goal but not to the process. Suppose someone important to you says that he loves you. He convinces you that he is committed to the relationship.

But they defend the objective while not carrying out the process. Because they show you no affection or respect. They also never invest in quality time with you. So this is someone we can consider insincere and superficial.

Characteristics of Dedicated People

Authentic devotion is not expressed in words but in deeds. It’s when you have clear priorities and fight for them with all your heart. For you must remember that a promise that consists only of words is useless. It’s like smoke in the wind.

Dedicated people and self love

Now let’s go back to the research we talked about at the beginning. For example, the study showed that people from South Africa possess a higher degree of commitment than Chinese or Germans. They also see themselves as happier. In addition, they show an active interest in the people around them and in the environment. So that’s some of the characteristics of committed people.

They express this in their desire to care for their families, neighbors, friends and colleagues, as well as their communities and the environment. That begs the question: don’t the Chinese and the Germans have this desire?

Of course it is. But their society is much more focused on work and especially on productivity. So the key is that we maintain a good balance in our commitment in all areas, be it personnel, socially, professionally and financially. But we must never forget that commitment starts with ourselves.

Characteristics of Dedicated People

  • Dedicated people are critical. When you know what you want, what it is worth and what your values ​​are, you have a critical attitude towards what you think is unfair. Dedicated people are very open and bold.
  • Good dedication also starts with yourself. Dedicated people have good self-esteem, strong self-confidence and a balance between what they want and what they are capable of.
  • If you are more committed to yourself, you will also be more concerned about the environment and the world. We are not separate islands in the middle of the ocean. A harmonious society requires respect and care for others and for our environment. It’s a recipe for success.
Characteristics of Dedicated People

Do not be discouraged, even if you are surrounded by insincere people.  But you have to be absolutely careful that they don’t infect you. Because if you imitate them, you will give in to a group mentality where you allow others to think for you. This is not the way you want to live.

So let’s learn to be more committed. Let’s choose a target, our target, and fight for it. But first and foremost, we must be people who are committed to ourselves. We need to know that we have rights and deserve happiness and success.

Featured images courtesy of Sofia Bonnatii.

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