What Are The 5 Types Of Friends?

What are the 5 types of friends?

What would life be without friends? Without that support when we are sad… the laughter that has the power to turn an ordinary day into an unforgettable memory. Friends are fantastic. There are also different types of friends who play different roles in our lives.

At school we meet our first friends. When we are teenagers, our friends become everything to us and we idealize them. Later, time and maturity show us that no relationship is perfect. Friends abandon us and so do we.

Like all human relationships, friendship is a contradictory connection. We love our friends and they love us. But we also compete with them. We can be envious and selfish.

5 types of friends

1. Friends from the past

Young friends on the road

Friends of the past are the people who, for whatever reason, stayed in our lives while we were growing up. They are not necessarily the best friends we have. But they have stood the test of time. These are the friends we usually meet at school. We build a relationship with them. That bond can fade, but it never disappears.

We may only see these friends now and then. But when we meet them, we immediately fall back into the rhythm of the relationship. After the meeting we all go our separate ways until our paths cross again. But friends from the past are part of our identity.

2. Friends who are there for you when the going gets tough

Your relationship with these friends usually involves some paternal or maternal feelings. One protects and the other needs protection. One friend acts as a counselor and guides the other. He or she apparently knows exactly what to do and what to say.

In this category we also find the strikers. teammates. Friends who support each other through thick and thin. They are also henchmen. Of all the kinds of friends that exist, they are the ones who may not always be around. But they are always there in difficult times.

3. Occasion Friends

This is a practical friendship. Yet the relationship is deeper than that. There is genuine affection but with very clear boundaries. These kinds of friendships are formed around a common interest or from mutual support.

Occasional friends are, for example, your doctor or your lawyer. When you need something they are experts in, ask for their help. There is an implicit agreement of solidarity here. In summary, what unites you is the fact that you both get something out of the friendship.

4. Friends across the generations

This is perhaps one of the most special kinds of friends. It’s when people of very different ages become friends in one way or another. That means they may not be doing the same things in their daily lives. But they do share some important aspects of their lives.

Cross-generational friendships are common between teachers and students. Or between people who, apart from age, share the same hobby or interest. They have a lot to offer each other’s lives because they exchange experiences that can be very satisfying. In these friendships, there is real interest in each other.

5. Best Friends

Your “close friends” are the people you can call at 2 a.m. whenever you have a problem. They listen to you, give you their full attention and are by your side no matter what. They know everything or at least almost everything about your life. You feel at ease with them. You don’t have to hide your true self. For acceptance is the foundation of your friendship.

best friends

We are granted very few best friends in life. They are not perfect and there may be minor frictions or some envy. But you love each other and are always there for each other.

Friends of all kinds are valuable. We can actually say that no relationship will last or be very meaningful if friendship is not the foundation.

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