Wetiko: What Indians Call The Virus Of Egoism

Wetiko: What Indians Call the Virus of Egoism

According to the Indians, Wetiko is an evil spirit that invades the human mind. It is the virus of egoism. Wetiko is a psychological pathogen who forces the victim to satisfy his unquenchable needs just as if he were dying of starvation. It makes humanity become its own worst enemy…

This is an interesting yet disturbing vision. It comes from a literary work that we think everyone should read. Paul Lévy is an admirer of Carl Jung’s legacy and regularly writes articles for ‘ The Guardian’. He has written a literary piece titled ‘ Eliminating Wetiko’. Lévy goes on to say that we live in an age where most psychosocial phenomena prove that the virus of egoism exists.

Lévy wanted to leave a legacy with his book. It is not negative, accusatory or disturbing at all. The message is exactly the opposite. Each virus looks for a host to invade and feed on. However, each of us can set up defensive barriers. We can strengthen our psychological ‘immune system’ so that we can avoid being infected by the virus of selfishness.

Now let’s take a closer look at this idea…

Carl Jung's Shadow Concept

Wetiko, Human Egoism and the Concept of Shadow by Carl Jung

Jack Forbes is a historian. In his book  Columbus and Other Cannibals  he explained something very interesting. When indigenous communities came into contact with the first European pilgrims, the Indians said they were infected with Wetiko. It was a tribe of Cree in Canada that first used this term. However, the Ojiwa, for example, already used the well-known term ‘ windigo’.

Be that as it may, the mental idea they had about the white or “civilized” man was that of an individual affected by the virus of egoism. The virus led them to want the power of nature and its resources for themselves. Paul Lévy explains that this idea is exactly the same as the idea that Carl Jung uses to explain the concept of Shadow. The Shadow is the archetype of the unconscious that we all share.

So common things like jealousy, greed, hunger for power and selfishness are actually products of our collective unconscious. These are our darkest shadows and a “self” that has become disconnected from the conscious. It is a being that allows itself to be carried away by vile deeds.

So we can say that the evil spirit that the Indians describe is nothing but Jung’s idea. It was not something that came from the outside world and was out to own us. Instead, it dwelt within ourselves.

In fact, we all carry that Shadow within us. However, it is up to us whether we give it power…

How do we kill the virus of selfishness

How do we kill the virus of selfishness

You can remove the virus of selfishness from your life. One way is by getting to know the evil spirit of our Shadow. Carl Jung called this ‘ daemon’. It feeds on greed, envy, contempt, and the hunger for power or domination. Throughout history, this evil has done terrible things to mankind.

The evil of Wetiko has ruled our world for very long periods. We empower it and obey it. We let ourselves be carried away by it. As Jung explained, it is our responsibility to be aware of this.

What happens if we all let ourselves be controlled by this urge to own what another person has? If we manipulate them in our self-interest, even when we have to hurt them for it…? Then we end up in a collective psychosis in which we are all losers in the end. Selfishness is not a modern evil. It’s an old disease that we still haven’t been able to eradicate.

Wetiko or the virus of egoism

Paul Lévy makes it clear to us by stating that we must think if we want to work on our Shadow and eradicate Wetiko. Ultimately, that inner evil spirit is nothing more than our underdeveloped, unprocessed, and neglected personality.


It is a part of ourselves that we keep hidden. By hiding it, we let it come out on its own in search of nourishment. We allow it to feed on greed and envy. Enough! Heal yourself from the virus of selfishness. Do this by working on your inner battles. Grow as a person. Tackle the Shadow that prevents you and humanity from living a full life. 

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