We Get Cold To Survive

We get cold to survive

Eventually, almost without realizing it, the day comes when you get a little colder, a little more cautious when it comes to remembering what that so-called self-love is again. However, those around us do not always understand this necessary inner change. It is then that the ‘magic’ takes place: others begin to appreciate the person you were before.

Whoever says people don’t change is wrong. People don’t change their behavior or their personality type overnight by snapping their fingers. The process of change is something intimate, intentional, and even unpleasant, because in addition to changing, we also grow. Such a thing can only be achieved by being fully aware of our limitations and black holes.

In our complex journey through life, getting cold is little less than a turning point. It’s a simple defense mechanism. Since our existence means not only dealing with the complications of our daily lives, it is also essential that we are able to create our own survival processes to be the true protagonists of this adventure.

To survive

A cold heart and the absence of the little things

Jeffrey Kottler is one of the most famous people to make the psychology of change known. With books like Alone with oneself  , he teaches us that one thing is clear: people change out of need and to survive more efficiently.

So then there is one detail that always remains interesting. When we don’t see someone for a while and then meet him or her again, we see that something has changed in their attitude. We wonder, ‘ But what could have happened to him?’  As Dr. Kottler shows us make  people no  major transformations  through , and it is not necessary to experience sudden, influential events to change.

The gossip of everyday life is enough, the mundaneness of small disappointments, of words said or not said, of absence, constant rejections, and of giving everything without getting anything in return. They are tiny grains of sand that create tiny emotional deserts, simultaneously causing a change that is clearly needed: starting to prioritize yourself in order to survive.

To survive

We resist the selfishness that stalks us

A cold heart is a mind that has grown tired of waiting. It’s our self-esteem that sets off the alarm and our concept of ourselves going out through the emergency exit in search of a solution. Getting a little colder is the temporary response to life’s dissonance. It is the application of red lines so that our self-love can blossom again.

So it’s very likely that the people who know us best are seeing that change and wondering what happened, and why we’re not the attentive and tractable people we used to be. It is also possible that they do not understand the said change, and they find it annoying that they now find a lock on our hearts where before all our doors were open to satisfy their selfishness.

This transformation also allows us to delve into the different aspects that we will cover below.

To survive

Things a cold heart has learned

A person with a slightly colder heart – who is not dead, nor broken or disabled – has understood that things cannot always be the way we want them to be. We must accept them as they are and respond to them appropriately.

We also know that sometimes life isn’t fair and people aren’t always loyal or respectful. Therefore, before we focus our existence on what others are doing or not doing to find self-validation, it is best to find out that it is always better to put aside what we feel so that our self-love is not always sacrificed. is becoming.

Every disappointment we experience, every blackmail we experience, and every empty storage space causes the ‘spark’ of negative thoughts in our minds to become more frequent. After we’ve calmed down and seen things through the picture window of a heart that’s gotten a little colder, we understand that there are only two options: hold on to our own negativity or disinfect this negativity. We choose the second.

Sometimes everything that disappears in us returns and suddenly dies back to reality. A slightly colder and more cautious heart looks at things with greater moderation, to decide what remains and what we want out of our lives, and whether we believe it or not, there is nothing wrong with this.

Because changing means you grow and gain more value. A natural process, through which the light finally shines through our scars.

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