Ways To Respond To Discouraging Comments

Many of those who make discouraging comments do so because they have low self-esteem. As you can imagine, people who seem to be doing better than them make them feel uncomfortable.
Ways to respond to discouraging comments

The first thing to do before responding to discouraging comments is to count to ten. Remember that someone’s opinion of you can’t hurt you unless you really believe it to be true. You are in charge of the power you give to words. Still, it’s not easy to be completely insensitive to comments from others, is it?

Some people wish you the best, just not as well as they wish for themselves. Therefore, they can suddenly display an unsettling attitude or behavior that can affect your mood, stifle your illusions and hinder all your dreams . The most complex is that, on average, these comments come from those closest to you.

Has it ever happened to you that one of your “best” friends tells you that you are wasting your time with your study plan? That it’s best to stop studying and focus on something more attainable? Maybe it was one of your parents who told you that your partner doesn’t deserve you and that you could get something “better”.

The truth is that many people can hurt you, consciously or unconsciously, and this is something you have to learn to deal with.

A woman hears contemptuous remarks

Keys to responding to discouraging comments

The person you are trying to discourage is actually hiding a specific personality pattern. In fact, no one with enough psychological maturity, empathy, and good social skills tries to undermine someone else’s mood under any circumstances.

They can express their constructive (and respectful) opinion, but they will rarely try to dampen another’s motivation and hope.

In fact, you will never try to dampen the spirit of someone you respect. In addition, specialists such as Dr. Leonidas Hatzithoma of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece in a study that humiliation is the goal of this kind of dynamic.

That’s why it’s important to understand his or her intent before responding to someone who makes disparaging comments.

In general, these people try to impose their opinion and prove their superiority by trying to undermine your wishes. Why? What they are actually trying to do is hinder your progress and happiness. They discourage and belittle you to bring you to their level so that you are happy, but no more than them.

So what to do with discouraging comments?

The intent behind discouraging comments is to despise your dreams, so ignore them

“That journey is not worth it, you may want to find another destination.” “Your hobby is useless, focus on something practical.” “Why are you going to adopt another pet? They only give you trouble and are a nuisance.” “Don’t put your hopes in that person, because they will certainly disappoint.”

There are thousands of examples of the codes and expressions used by those adept at belittling others. However, there is something to keep in mind: people try to belittle and discourage you because they envy what you do, what you like and what defines you. There is nothing constructive or useful about someone whose purpose is to scare you.

You have every right to go your own way and also to make your own mistakes. Therefore, although you should follow the advice of others, the final decision will always be yours. Therefore , anyone who tries to temper your mind and discourage you during the journey of life does not deserve your attention. So don’t value words that aren’t useful to you.

A frustrated woman

Why boycott someone’s illusions? Let them reveal their real intentions

If you want to respond to someone who is trying to discourage you, prepare a few questions beforehand. This is because it is not always easy to get away from those who insist on affecting your mood.

Many people want to force their ideas on you, weaken you with their depressing comments, and undermine any hint of illusion and motivation.

Wouldn’t you like to be completely immune to such practices? This is not always possible. These situations require action, but you need to stay calm and sharpen your mind. Questions like these may be helpful to you:

  • “I respect your opinion and I will take it into account. It would be nice, however, if you clearly state why you despise and try to discourage me.’
  • “I hear you, but you have to understand that your words don’t help me and actually have a negative effect on me. I ask you to pay attention to how you talk about my wishes.’

Responding to discouraging comments: actions speak louder than words

There is frustration behind those who long to take away your shine and dampen your drive to excel and succeed in life. These people have no respect and no self-esteem. In fact, many of them expect others to go to the same level of inferiority, emptiness and unhappiness.

As you can imagine, the best way to respond to someone who is trying to discourage you is to give a hint of your worth. For the most part, actions speak louder than words. So there is nothing more comforting than pursuing your dreams exactly the way you want and without anyone imposing their imaginary limitations.

There are times when doing the opposite of what others recommend is the best option. Don’t empower dark emotional vampires if you want to find the light.

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