Today I Am Here For Myself: I Need Myself

Today I am here for myself: I need myself

Today I am here for myself and for no one else. But many people don’t understand my choice. I have been called ‘antisocial’, ‘weird’, ‘selfish’ and many question my decision to take refuge within myself. But not me, I need myself.

I turn off my cell phone, spend time alone, stay indoors all day without going out at all… The truth is, shutting yourself off from everyone and wanting to embrace time alone are behaviors that not everyone understands.

Especially because we are in a time where there is constant connection and people assume that we are available 24/7. I have to break free to take care of myself and inhale the scent of freedom.

I’ve reached my limit and I need myself

More often than I would like to see frustration in my life along with irritability and impatience. It’s like I’m in a state of constant tension.

I don’t know where it comes from and therefore I don’t understand how to get rid of it.

However, when I stop to analyze the situation, I discover that I am being warned to slow down. I don’t even sleep well anymore, even if I sleep eight hours a day.

Sometimes it’s feelings of frustration that yell at me that I’ve done too much and forgot to prioritize myself.

Other times, it’s feelings of irritability that are so strong that even the smallest problem makes me jump out of my skin. But they are no more than a sign of how overwhelmed I am.

Or maybe it’s feelings of apathy that put me on autopilot. They reflect how I am drowning in all the responsibilities I have placed on my shoulders.

The point is, when all these signs appear and I’ve reached my limit, something in me wakes up and fights to get me out of the situation.

It might be easier to avoid this breaking point, but sometimes I close my eyes to what’s going on. Only the above symptoms can wake me up and make me see that I need myself.

Woman watching her life go by and saying I need myself

I need myself and that doesn’t make me selfish

I need myself and I know this doesn’t make me a selfish person. Even though society – and especially the people around me – often makes me doubt this. Still, I eventually put my needs aside.

But when I do this, I know I’m not doing what I want, but what others want.

Prioritizing yourself is something that is looked down upon, and if you do it, you risk being called a selfish person. Even just wanting to be alone can make others think you’re refusing to be with them.

They don’t understand that we are always connected, through social events, by dealing with minor crises, listening, helping others with their problems…

They fail to understand that by forgetting to take care of myself, I am doing my self-esteem and well-being and, in the long run, my relationships a disservice.

Woman who enjoys being alone and says I need myself

Spending time on myself is self-love

All the problems that arise when I forget myself eventually cause me to reach my limit because they drain my energy. This is energy that I need to recover by spending time with myself, without anyone judging me for it.

I have to take care of myself, love myself and help myself. I absolutely have to practice self-love to be okay.

And when I have to be alone and I allow myself to do this, I realize that being alone not only recharges my batteries, but also helps me regain my self-control and improve my relationships.

Even though it may seem like a contradiction, by giving myself some time, I can think about the little annoyances and struggles in life that I see as gigantic problems, and see instead that they’re really just unimportant.

My brain is especially capable of disconnecting, and this is something my neurons will definitely thank me for. Allowing myself time alone allows me to clear my mind and think better.

I need myself – and I need to know myself

But what I especially like is that I can connect with myself. By building a relationship with my inner self, I can get to know myself better, know what I want and what I do.

Birds fly by the moon

So when I feel exhausted or stop enjoying life, I take a step back from the daily hustle and bustle of life and give myself time to be with myself.

And if it’s too hard, I just start with a few minutes or an hour a day.

We don’t always have to give all our time to others or to other responsibilities. I need myself. If I don’t take care of myself, if I don’t prioritize myself, who will?

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