Tips Not To Worry Too Much

Tips not to worry too much

Do you worry a lot and worry when you have a problem? We encounter all kinds of situations in daily life. What makes us different is that some are driven by worrying, while others focus on finding a solution and taking action.

I’ve heard several people say that if they don’t worry, they feel like they’re doing nothing. It is true that if you focus on the problem to analyze it, it will help to find a solution, but  if you spend all your time worrying about a situation, it will make no difference.

Worrying will even cause certain physical problems: headaches, insomnia, stress, anger and so on. Here are some tips so that this situation doesn’t get to you.

Look objectively at the problem

I know this advice must sound absurd to you. After all, you look at the problem like it’s really big, right? But that’s exactly why excessive worrying pulls you down. This is a vicious circle: the more attention you give the problem, the bigger it appears.


Therefore, we recommend that you forget about  the problem for a while. Imagine it is something that happens to someone else and think about what you would say. What would you propose as a solution? How would you recommend tackling it?

Unplug yourself for a while

Sitting in the office, breathing and delving even deeper into the problem will lead to more worrying, which doesn’t help. Take a minute to find some distraction. The goal is to disconnect your mind for a moment. Often we begin to worry because we focus all our attention on the problem.

Do whatever you can think of to relax: go for a walk, close your eyes and rest for a while, talk to someone. It’s not uncommon for when you go out for a cup of coffee with a friend, the solution is almost instantaneous. This happens because your mind has had time to relax and look at the problem from a different angle.

Think of your health

At the beginning I indicated that worrying can cause a number of physical and psychological problems. A good way to combat them is to become aware of the risks of worrying.

If it is difficult to find a solution now, it will be even more difficult when your physical health deteriorates. You have to feel good to be able to focus on what needs your attention: your children, your problems, your daily life and so on.

Seek help from an expert

Has worrying led to a problem that you can no longer solve on your own? Then look for the right help. I’ve known people who always wanted to look strong so they could fix everything themselves. It’s true that you have a lot of skills, but you can’t always do everything yourself.

The help of an accountant, lawyer, doctor or other expert is always available. Don’t try to solve things you don’t understand.

If you give yourself the chance, you may discover that the solution is much more complicated than you think and that you need help. In other cases  , the worrying disappears as soon as you hand the problem over to someone who understands it.

Change negative thoughts

When you see a problem, you have two options: quietly search for the solution or let yourself be blown away by negative thoughts. If you choose to do the second, the problem will only get worse and you will start to worry.


Instead of losing yourself in negative thoughts, fight them and look for something positive. Don’t say you can’t, because you will believe it. When this idea comes to mind, remember that you can do it and you just need to find the right solution.

talk to someone

Worrying will keep you from seeing alternative solutions that are within your reach. Once you’ve reached this point, grab the chance to talk to someone. A friend, your partner, your parents or someone else.

It doesn’t matter if it’s an expert or not, because all you need is a new perspective. Talking will help to see beyond the known and with that you can find solutions that hadn’t occurred to you before.

Don’t let worrying scare you away

It’s very easy to focus on the problem and forget that there are multiple options. Don’t fall into this trap,  look for alternatives and move on.

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