Three Stoic Strategies To Become Happier

Stoic philosophy focused on finding happiness. Discover three stoic strategies that can help you become happier!
Three Stoic Strategies for Becoming Happier

You probably already know this, but humans can improve the way their minds work. Many people have made this a personal goal in recent years. There are many tools and exercises that can help you achieve this. In this article, we will share some stoic strategies for becoming happier.

Who were the Stoics?

It’s funny how, even after all these centuries, this ancient Greek philosophy still lives on. Stoicism in this regard was a school of philosophy founded in 301 BC by Zeno of Citium.

According to him, the most important things in life were self-control and self-control. For example, according to Stoicism, things like passion or the temptation to surrender to your desires stand in the way of happiness.

The Stoics had two basic tools to help them achieve their philosophical goals: reason and courage. Thus they have attained or attempted to attain wisdom and happiness. They also believed in getting rid of all material possessions.

Stoic Strategies to Be Happier

You’ve probably realized by now that using stoic strategies to become happier means following in the footsteps of some of history’s greatest thinkers. You’ve probably heard of Cicero, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius.

There are no obstacles, only paths

This strategy may seem difficult at first glance, but it is actually very simple. When you run into an obstacle, see it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and become stronger. Use obstacles as a way to progress.

So if an obstacle comes your way, do not fall into a pit of poisonous thoughts. In other words, don’t try to lose control of yourself. Although you cannot control the outer world, you can control your inner world.

Make balance a goal

Experts say Marcus Aurelius used this strategy often. What does it mean? The idea is that when something throws you off balance, one of your first priorities should be to get the balance back.

But how do you do that? It’s actually simple, you just have to make it your goal. If you do, your brain will see it as a competition with yourself, giving you the motivation to want to achieve it. Once you’ve reached a balance, you’ll turn on your brain’s reward system, which will subconsciously amplify your efforts to find happiness.

Walk through the water on the beach

Look for a role model

This strategy is not just a stoic strategy. Some neurolinguistic programming experts also believe in it. If you feel unstable, you should look for a role model and try to emulate that.

For example, imagine that you have lost track and you are not in a good place in your life. Then you have to ask yourself what the person you look up to would do in your place or what the best version of yourself would do.

Once you get down that path, the rest is easy. All you have to do is take action in that direction. That way you can channel reality in the same direction and find happiness.

The Stoics were wise people who focused on finding the best version of themselves to achieve happiness and balance. Try these stoic strategies to become happier when you’re feeling unstable. They will change your life!

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