Those Who Leave You Today Will Miss You Tomorrow

Those who leave you today will miss you tomorrow

Sometimes people leave us without explanation  and we are left behind, deeply saddened by the cruel and unexpected absence that turns our lives upside down .

When this happens to us, we cannot imagine that there is anything worse, more despicable, or more selfish than the crime we have just experienced. At first we hold back our anger and rage, but soon we begin to think about how unfair this was and that we didn’t deserve this.

At the same time  , the sadness flows over us  and creates a darkness that we feel we will have to live with for a long time.

In this darkness we begin to experience disappointment, disillusionment, deception and disbelief. However, the fact that we are falling into this abyss means that freedom is close at hand. After all, someone who leaves us this way was never worthy of our company.

Wave of Sorrow

It’s better to be disappointed than to live a lie

When someone leaves you without even saying goodbye, something inside you breaks. You don’t know exactly what’s broken, but it still hurts terribly.

However, disappointment hurts less when we are able to maintain our integrity. Replacing love for others with self-love is a difficult process, but instead of dealing with an insufferable tyrant, at least we are now dealing with a good friend.

Moreover, we must know that those who leave us dishonestly today, without explanation or whatever, will regret it tomorrow, because they have lost us.


As they say, you can’t drown in nothing and if someone has drowned, it’s because he didn’t want to swim, because he wasn’t at our level or because the degree of his emotional maturity prevented him from seeing that there are thousands of better ones. There are ways to say hello or fix things. After all, cruelly running away is not a brave solution; it is cowardly, bitter and ungrateful.

What can we do when someone disappears from our lives?

When someone leaves us in this way, the battle begins in us in which we go back and forth between waiting for him to come back with drooping legs and starting over and learning how to live without him. The latter includes an awful lot of difficulties that we have to overcome, even if we don’t know how.

Being alone

It is plausible in such cases that there is still much that we want to say. The pain, the accusations, and all our emotions can’t just be contained; we have to release them in some way, even if we pretend the person is in front of us, even if we just tear a piece of paper and hit pillows.

One of the best options is to write a letter to the person who hurt you. Explain how he made you feel before and after he left you. Once you have written the letter, it is best to destroy it, as this can be the best form of liberation.

What is the last step to rid ourselves of the pain?

After you’ve written the letter and freed yourself from your feelings and emotions, it’s time to forgive. Letting go of your grief will be the only way to avoid your soul dying.

After all, behind all our courage and anger, there is sadness, humiliation and disappointment. Freeing ourselves from these feelings actually means that we decide to stop walking on the edge of an active volcano.

Whatever happens, we will never forget that that whole painful experience also had growth and liberation in it.

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