They Called Me Crazy Because I Dreamed While Awake

They called me crazy because I dreamed while I was awake

Dreaming while awake is like imagining a world that we can neither see nor touch, but which we can create however we want. We are not crazy because we dream. Never dreaming and being paralyzed by the fear of not being able to make our dreams come true, that’s madness.

Often other people tell us not to dream. They tell us to return to the real world and see life as it is. But dreams are the sketches of what we would like to do. They can help us take the first steps on our way.

Dreaming is free

Our minds are able to imagine fantastic worlds, situations that are both possible and impossible, millions of colors and infinite possibilities. Dreaming is like building a bridge between what does and does not exist and what could come about.

To dream

Others might think that our dream is a sign that we are lost in an unrealistic world from which we cannot return. However, it is precisely by not dreaming that we miss out on the wonderful opportunities we have to create new realities.

It is true that there is a point where we have to reason whether what we dream can actually become reality or not. The key here is to maintain a middle ground where our dreams can be run through a filter to separate what is and what is not possible. Dreams have no boundaries, but reality does.

When we dream while awake, it is best if we know what we are doing. We have to take hold of these great, crazy ideas and ask ourselves whether we can actually carry them out or whether they should remain in the realm of our dream world forever. We have to fight for the dreams that are realistic and achievable. And as for the dreams that will always have to remain dreams… we can express them through art.

Dreams create realities

Without dreamers, great works of art and creations of society would never have come about. Perhaps all great ideas are born of dreaming and wondering what is possible. Dreams can transform the world. Without the ability to dream, we would never be able to progress this far in social issues, science, arts and human relations. Without dreams, we would always adapt to what we see and accept the idea of ​​one reality as the only possible option.


As they say dreams are dreams. However, the truth is that these abstractions of the real world allow us to see reality from a different perspective and even better, to create entirely new perspectives. We can dream of a better day tomorrow and we can shape it however we want.

Dreams are dreams

On the other hand, we can become obsessed with making our dreams come true at all costs and this can make us unhappy. There are realistic dreams and there are dreams that are fantasies.

We must also avoid falling for the belief that “pursuing our dreams” is the only way to happiness. There are examples where a quiet and simple life with good company is enough to lead a full and happy life. Wanting to achieve our dreams is a personal choice, not an obligation.

It is sometimes said that happiness can be found in the little things and maybe it is. However, it is also said that we should not settle for this. Dreams are unique, just like each of us.

If you have decided to embark on the path of making a realistic dream come true, then you should know that it will never be realized without tremendous effort, which you will have to make all by yourself. A dream does not come true overnight. It requires blood, sweat and tears.

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