The Wisdom Of Trees On Finding Happiness

The wisdom of trees on finding happiness

Trees rise from the ground, nourished by strong roots that connect them to the earth. They are not afraid of storms. Instead of resisting change, they allow themselves to be carried calmly and happily by the cycles of nature. All you have to do is observe their majestic silence to understand all the magical wisdom of trees.

In his unforgettable book De Witte Godin , Robert Graves says that trees have many similarities with people.

However, there is something more mystical, balanced, peaceful and even noble about trees. A fascinating tree-related phenomenon recently went viral on social media.

The wisdom of trees

Not long ago, the concept of crown shyness immediately caught the attention of millions of Twitter users. Soon, biologists and naturalists went into detail about crown shyness, a term coined in the 1950s to describe an unusual, fascinating natural phenomenon.

In tropical rainforests, with their extensive leaves, trees often grow very close together. But there are certain species that never touch, leaving space in the peaks and creating fascinating holes, beautiful vein-like patterns that let the sunlight shine into the forest and create a stunning image.

These trees coexist in perfect harmony, perhaps through an ancient language. They show that sometimes in nature it is not only the strongest species that survive. Sometimes mutual respect creates beauty.

Very tall trees

Trees have roots that move to search for nutrients

Trees are not shy and leave nothing to chance. In fact, they are incredibly wise and it is worth taking a more intimate, reflective look at them so that we can learn from them.

For example, we know that ‘tree therapy’ and ‘forest baths’ are becoming popular again. More than just walking through a forest or hugging a tree,  it’s about understanding what trees are like so we can be more like them.

  • When you think of the roots of a tree, you immediately think of something that is immobile, rigid and solid. In fact, people associate roots with family relationships that define and define their lives.
  • However, this is not entirely true. Trees strategically move their roots in search of nutrients, which helps them grow.
  • Trees use surprising mechanisms to gather food. Many of them extend the tips of their roots long distances in search of nutrients.

We can do that too. We can find our own path and explore new perspectives. Why don’t we go in a new direction to look for what we want or need?

No tree is the same, and every tree tells a story

The rings of a tree trunk tell us much more than just the age of the tree that grows majestically up in the middle of a forest, field or mountain. Dendrochronology can tell the whole life story of a tree, from seasons of water scarcity, to the snowy years, to the effects of plagues and fires…

  • We too have internal marks, scars and wounds. We too have grown through adversity, and each of those difficult moments has made us unique and exceptional.
  • Every human being is a magical creature that has grown in the midst of a vast and chaotic jungle, with its own leaves that have been hit by the sun and shaken by the wind. We have our own wounds that heal in silence, our own roots and branches that serve as shelters so that others can grow and even touch the sky if they want to…
Woman who looks like a tree

The patient cycle of trees

Bamboo grows downward for the first seven years of its life, expanding its roots in silence and wisdom, slowly but surely.

After that time, something incredible happens: it can grow up to 100 feet (30 meters) in a few short months. It grows tall, flexible and resilient, one of the most fascinating organisms in the world. A perfect example of the wisdom of trees.

Everything in nature has a cycle, and if there is one organism that understands time, it is trees. Humans, on the other hand, are the most impatient creatures in the world. We seek quick solutions, quick successes and instant gratification.

That makes no sense in nature. Trees do not experience frustration. They patiently invest in their own internal growth, observe the present, germinate their seeds and find the best nutrients.

Black tree against a colorful background

Let’s learn from the wisdom of trees and be inspired by their perpetual cycles and respectful language. Everything takes the time it takes. Everything comes and goes, but trees are always concerned with taking care of themselves and others.

We are all part of a delicate balance, an ecosystem in which we must choose affection, attention and respect in order to grow and live in perfect harmony.

Let’s be more like trees. 

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