The Truth About Good And Bad Days

The truth about good and bad days

“I woke up this morning before the alarm even went off and was so excited about everything I had to do . I have responsibilities today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I will have today.

Today I can complain because it is raining  or I can be grateful that the plants are getting water. Today I can be sad because I don’t have more money or I can be happy because my finances force me to plan my purchases smartly.

Today I can complain about my health or be happy that I am alive. Today I can mourn everything my parents didn’t give me during my childhood or I can be grateful that they gave birth to me.

Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that roses have thorns. Today I can feel sorry for myself because I don’t have many friends or I can get excited and embark on the adventure of discovering new relationships.

Today I can complain because I have to go to work or I can scream with happiness because I have a job. Today I can complain because I have to go to school or I can open my mind energetically and fill it with new and rich knowledge.

Today I can mumble bitterly because I have to do the housework or I can feel honored to have a roof over my body and mind. Today is before me, waiting for me to mold it and here I am, the sculptor.

What happens today depends on me. I should choose what kind of day I want to have.

I wish you a great day…unless you have other plans.

the Uruguayan author Mario Benedetti-


It’s a great day to laugh

We all know that bad days will come and that’s why we have to look for the good moments. Getting ourselves on the right track is a matter of responsibility. It is our decision, because good days are either created or not.

If you didn’t have a good day yesterday, try to have one today. The bad moments aren’t all your fault; nothing could be further from the truth than this. Life is an accumulation of circumstances on a path made not of roses, but of thorns.

So accept this and assume that having a good day is largely a matter of your attitude. You can decide which scenario you will participate in, you can avoid being angry all the time, you can be kind instead of bitter, and you can stop putting things off until the last minute.

Although there are days that will be difficult in the end, you can still have a good time with your loved ones, take a walk, exercise, not be negative and take life as it comes without hindering it and without fighting your emotions .

In short, tell yourself that today can be a good day and try to make it happen. Here’s a video that will make you smile, because every dark day can brighten:

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