The Theory Of The Ripple Effect And Your Power To Change Things

The ripple effect theory and your power to change things

Maybe you’re one of those people who doesn’t tolerate injustice, but you don’t think you can do anything about it. If so, then you need to learn the ripple effect theory. Because after you read this, you will see the tremendous power you have to change things.

It is important that you understand that making things better starts with yourself. Because you can’t love life if you’re not happy. You can’t love others if you don’t love yourself.

Start with yourself

We already said it. The first step is to change yourself. How can you ask someone not to speak ill of you when you speak ill of others? How do you want others to value you if you don’t value yourself?

The ripple effect theory: start with yourself

Take a moment to think. Have an intimate conversation with yourself. Listen to yourself. Look at your deepest feelings. Ask yourself how you are doing and how you would like to be. Look your problems in the eye and confront them. Fix all that is broken in your life.

Once you’ve started a dialogue with yourself, think about who you are. What do you want to do? What are your goals? Drop all the masks you’ve put on to please yourself. Kick that false modesty aside and see yourself as you are. But don’t stop at this point. Cleanse yourself of the things you don’t like. Free yourself from everything that is not good or that hurts you. Start by becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be.

Throw the first stone

So get to know yourself and take the first steps to change your life. Then you are ready to throw the first stone. That act will have a ripple effect. What does this mean? Well, everything you will do will affect everyone and everything around you. That is the essence of the ripple effect theory.

If you make a commitment to change your behavior, you’ll notice things you’ve never seen before. For example, resolve not to complain. Because you know that complaining is pointless. Show yourself and others more affection. Or just be yourself. Little by little you will see how your past behavior influenced your life.

During the first moments after you throw the stone, it is important that you look at things in a calm and rational way. Because just like when you actually throw a rock into the water, the first ripple will be small. The effects of your new posture will also be minimal at first. But over time and as you make more changes, you will see the effects grow in size and significance.

Let the ripples flow

So as soon as you throw the first stone into the water, let the ripples flow. You create their effects. We’ve said it before. The first ripples will be small and short-lived. But they will also help others to change.

The second step is to see yourself as a happy person in the middle of the ripples, right where the stone has fallen. Because you are the starting point of your happiness. You are a brave person who has chosen a difficult pass.

The theory of the ripple effect

Think of the ripples you create every time you hit the water. Because that’s what the ripple effect theory says. The love you have within you doesn’t just spread on the surface. But it can also be felt in the deeper parts of the lake, the sea or even in the puddle where the stones fall.

Each ripple represents your passion for life. They are your courage that makes your dreams come true. They are your kindness to others and your need to help those less fortunate. You transfer all this energy to others. Somehow it has an effect on them.

The theory of the ripple effect

If you constantly create ripples in the water, you will notice every day how it affects other people around you. Little by little you will notice the effect you have on them. Perhaps you will give them hope, joy, confidence or enthusiasm. Everything depends on the band and connection.

You will even begin to see the people touched by you throw their own first stones and create ripples that reach the people they love.

Still think you can’t do anything to change injustice? Start with yourself. Let your positive attitude and your kindness fill your world. This causes ripples to form. And they will make the world a better place wave after wave.

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