The Power Of Compliments

The power of compliments

A compliment is a tool often used to seduce and persuade or manipulate someone. We must therefore be careful about how often we compliment others and how much we like to receive compliments. The power of compliments is enormous.

Compliments make us feel better and increase our self-confidence. ‘Jessica, your hair looks amazing!, ‘Joost, I just wanted to tell you how neat your car is.’, ‘Lillian, you are the best cook in the world’, ‘Johan, this company is honored to have an employee like you to have’. How many times have we said things like this without even thinking about it, just to make those around us happy?

Sincere compliments can be helpful in many ways  , not just when you’re on a date (or want to get a date) or trying to get a better business deal.

Give sincere compliments

Remember that if you want a compliment to have an effect, it’s important that you are sincere in the first place. It’s not worth complimenting others throughout your life just to save yourself, or at least try to. If you don’t like the skirt your girlfriend is wearing, don’t tell her you like it or ask her where she bought it. If you feel that your boyfriend should really try harder at work, don’t tell him that his boss will probably give him a raise soon.

We better think about how we can make that person happy by saying something to him/her that we really stand for. For example, instead of complimenting your girlfriend on her skirt, you can also thank her for her friendship. Instead of telling your friend that he will probably get a raise, you can also say that you are so grateful that he is your friend.

Did you know that just by making these kinds of simple comments to the people you love can you make their day?

The persuasive power of compliments

Flattery can serve two purposes: to make the person you flatter happy or to persuade them to do something for you. It has been proven (if you don’t believe it, try it for yourself) that the people who have complimented us in the past about something we never get complimented on seem the most attractive to us, regardless of what these people were wearing or wearing. how many sales their company has made.

On the other hand, there is also a theory that when you give someone something (whether it’s a present or simply a few sweet words), they automatically feel that they owe you something. .

Wait a minute, what are you saying?

Of course that’s true. For example, if you tell a customer that they look so youthful or notice how well they are dressed, they are more likely to eventually buy the product you offer.

Girl Getting Compliment From A Boy But Doesn't Know How Great The Power Of Compliments Is

However, be careful and try to avoid making mistakes with your words. If a beautiful young lady comes to the place where you work, it’s not worth using her beauty to your advantage. Instead, focus on her style, her outfit, her good taste, etc. If you don’t, you’ll get the opposite reaction. She can even get angry! (and of course leave without buying anything)

You constantly use compliments. The secret is to know where and when to use them and to always remember to use the right choice of words.  Don’t waste hours of your time telling others what you like about them; instead, emphasize certain special qualities of that person. That way you can generate a positive effect in a shorter time.

Consider the personality of the person who will receive the compliment. Many people feel uncomfortable receiving compliments. This doesn’t mean you should stop handing them out, just that you should also pay attention to the attitude and feelings of the person you’re complimenting.


Don’t overdo it with compliments, but don’t be blind either.  Compliments can increase the self-confidence of those who receive them and improve the impression they have of you. Since we live in a time where we tend to focus more on the negative than the positive, acknowledging the positive behaviors of others is itself a rebellious act.

Finally, it’s important to be careful not to let yourself be tempted by the opportunity to use compliments to manipulate or persuade others to do something for you. Make sure your intentions are clear from the start and be aware when someone compliments you only because they want something in return! 

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