The Four Laws Of Spirituality

The Four Laws of Spirituality

They say there is a momentary moment in life when you feel more lost than ever, when an encounter occurs. An encounter with yourself, with your depths, your fears and your soul.

They say it is never a coincidence to experience such a moment of transformation. It happens because there is something you need to understand.

Spirituality transcends the material and the earthly. It is not a religion or strict doctrine. Spirituality means taking care of ourselves. It means bridging the gaps that our minds create with our hearts and developing our values ​​humbly.

1. Every person who comes into your life is the right person

No one enters our lives by accident. Everyone around you is there for a reason, even toxic people. With every exchange and every moment we contribute to each other in one way or another.

We live in a world made up of shades of gray, nothing is black or white. We are not always just teachers or always just learners. Each of us delivers something positive, even if it is through a negative quality. For example, something that we cannot handle or that causes us harm.


We are always the light in the darkness. Some people are more representative than others. But each of us has something to say, no exception. Over time, we learn to be thankful for the stumbling blocks that have crossed our path. The people who complicate our lives or those who faithfully support us have something to teach us all.

Everything, really everything, is right in life. This is why we should continue to look positively at others and not underestimate any lesson.

2. What happened is the only thing that could happen

Nothing that has happened in our lives could have happened any other way. What happens to us is the only thing that should happen to us. It’s the right thing at the right time  and it’s what we need to get specific meaning from.

We have a habit of thinking about what could have happened. The habit of creating hypothetical situations in which we acted differently and obtained different results.


Any change causes unpredictable situations. We should therefore accept that what happened is past. There are no other options. Each of our actions creates waves that determine our path.

Let’s not worry about what we could have done differently. Everything has its time and place. And it takes a certain amount of time to learn every necessary lesson. As the saying goes, you have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. You cannot skip the necessary steps in life.

3. Something that starts, starts at the right time

Don’t wait for the perfect moment, grab the moment and make it perfect.

Everything always starts at the right time, not earlier or later. The new things in our lives arise because we draw them to us and because we are willing to see and enjoy them. When you understand this, accept that you are meant to enjoy all the new things life brings your way.


4. Something that’s over is over

Let it go. Don’t hold on to anything or anyone. Everything in your life has its moment and is there for a reason.

We tend to commit to an endless number of stories and emotions. Saying goodbye hurts. But continuing to carry with us something that has ended can only be described as masochism. It generates great inconvenience and many dependencies and uncertainties.

Moving on is the best thing you can do to enrich your life and avoid suffering. Remember that you yourself are the most impressionable person you hang out with every day. Be careful what you say to yourself and simply let the natural flow of life guide you.

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