The Enneagram: What’s Your Number?

The Enneagram: What's Your Number?

So what is your number? The Enneagram is an extremely useful test of personal growth. It’s more than just a personality test. Because we have an effective tool here. It’s like a GPS guiding us on the adventure to self-knowledge. We can discover more self-confidence and better relationships. We are more likely to be happy.

If you have a friend who is into the Enneagram, you’ve probably heard this ‘ oh, you’re definitely a two’. Chances are, you probably had your doubts about this. Perhaps you dismissed such classifications as not very scientific. We admit that we live in a society that likes to put a label on everything.

But don’t get us wrong. The Enneagram is a scientifically rigorous approach with a solid foundation and relevant research. In fact, some things can start to happen to you once you know your  Ennea type. The first thing you will feel is an inner awakening.

You will open up to the world around you. Then you will take a step into a second dimension. Because you will find that you are better able to do something amazing: to live your life in a way that makes you the designer of your own happiness.

Wake up, you’ve been sleeping way too long

The secret to happiness – happiness is a way of being and not a temporary feeling – lies in getting to know yourself better. That’s what the Enneagram Institute says. This institution is a resource for personal growth and develops various training courses on the Enneagram and personality.

Well, maybe right now you think you don’t have the opportunity and the time to start this journey, even if you have to. But what if the time has come to do so?

Girl with her eyes closed

We sleep. We blindly try to create happiness based on whatever comes our way. We think this is best for us. But this is a mistake. No one can create a fulfilling life unless he first clarifies his passions, temperament, cognitive biases, and dominant emotional strategies. In other words, this is all that forms the beautiful and sometimes chaotic canvas of our personality.

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a map of human nature that helps us get to know ourselves better. With this tool, we will be better able to take control of our lives in a firm, authentic and responsible way. This is a valuable personality test. It outlines nine fundamental patterns of behavior  (enneatypes).

It is a system of classification of the human personality, which has been around for centuries. Over the centuries it has been redefined. Now it is an essential tool for psychologists, coaches and HR departments. Even actors use it to empathize more deeply with their character.

  • We all have a specific place on this map of human nature. We learn what it is, are able to point it out and understand it. It will be a turning point in our life with before and after.
  • Each person ‘s  ennea type  has its roots in childhood. It does not change over the course of our lives.
  • In the nine ennea-types there are twenty-seven sub-types.
  • Get to know them. Use them because they will help you start working on the right kind of changes for your personality type. That way you will succeed in reaching your potential. If we don’t, we will end up in the most neurotic and limiting part of our enneatype.

There is a number that describes you and it will open doors

The Enneagram will give you a number. But that’s not a label. Whether you’re the peacemaker, the artist, or the leader, it doesn’t mean it will pigeonhole you forever. Rather, it will give you a window. You can see through it to understand the world a little better. Then you can open new windows.

  • You will see that every number contains a group of fears, insecurities and limiting attitudes that hinder personal growth. But on the basis of the Enneagram you learn to recognize your fears so that you can overcome them.
  • Each number also has its own virtues. For there are certain unique and distinctive abilities that only your ennea type possesses. With the enneagram you will be able to strengthen the strengths of your personality.
  • This instrument makes something else amazing possible. You will get to know other people better and in a safer way. Because self-knowledge makes it possible to see what kind of people make us happiest.
Chair that no one is sitting on

Getting to know yourself better is easier than ever. Why not give it a try?

The Enneagram is an interesting, useful and effective test. It makes the changes we all need to be happier. These changes absolutely must start from within ourselves through self-knowledge.

The Enneagram must be used wisely. So it is not enough that you know which number describes you. You also need to understand it, distinguish the sub-types and process your emotions better.

The Enneagram Institute suggests that we delve deeper into the subject by using the book The Wisdom of the Enneagram . It has a practical and pleasing focus that always gets straight to the point. Getting to know ourselves, awakening within and making changes on the outside is easier than ever.

So tell me what is your number?

Featured image courtesy of Chris Saunder

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