The Difference Between Getting Older And Getting Old

Why do some people seem to feel the weight of their years and others grow older without ever feeling old? Today we look at the difference between aging and growing old.
The difference between getting older and getting old

Why do some people seem to age better than others? To answer that question, people often talk about health or finances. However, there is something that we often overlook: there is a difference between getting older and getting old.

If you look closely, it doesn’t appear that health or economic status is the real reason for the difference. Yes, they certainly play a part. Many healthy people with a lot of money are quite unhappy, and vice versa.

People with a youthful mind do not feel old, despite their age. On the contrary, many older adults complain that they are expected to do “old people activities”. Ultimately, it’s a very different way of understanding the aging process.

A smiling older man

Not all older adults feel old

My father never felt old. Until the day he died, he always had many long-term plans and activities to fill his days.

I’ve never seen him throw in the towel or give in to the limits or the loss of age. His physical decline never stopped him. My father didn’t like the company of people his age because he thought they had turned into old people, which always made me laugh.

Even his illness did not change his attitude. In the last years of his life, he had to deal with a fairly serious heart condition. Yet my father always had a good sense of humor about it and never let his condition rule his life.

When I think about it, I realize he’s lived like this all his life. He was never really comfortable around people his age. My father has always surrounded himself with young people. He was a mentor to many young people interested in aviation, allowing him to share his experiences and learn his trade.

The house I grew up in was almost like a school, always full of young people and always full of life. My father was always surrounded by curious minds who wanted to learn and plan future projects.

He liked to teach them what he loved. As he got older, this didn’t change. Perhaps this is the best way to age. He was a good example for me.

Why do people age in a bad way?

This is a difficult question to answer. Some people don’t change as much as they get older, while others do. You may get closer to your true self as you get older. Maybe then you don’t have the energy to hide who you really are.

Sometimes older adults who are ill-tempered, angry, and frustrated are actually a reflection of how they lived their lives. In many cases, these grumpy older people were probably like that before they got older. The fact is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to hide your true nature, which is beginning to manifest itself in every aspect of your life.

Gracefully aging

People who are young seem to share certain characteristics and qualities. In these traits you can see the real difference between getting older and getting old.

Can you avoid aging too early? Can you get older without feeling old? What’s the secret to enjoying a meaningful, complete, and fulfilling life as you get older? Here are some strategies that are the legacy of vibrant seniors:

A smiling elderly couple with the woman sitting on the man's back

The key to staying young at heart

An important strategy is to remain passionate, regardless of your age. Choose activities that motivate and excite you. Be creative, volunteer, make plans, and keep a daily agenda.

Build and maintain a healthy relationship with those around you. Family is important, of course, but lasting friendships can be a guarantee of future emotional well-being. Altruism is another common trait that happy older people share.

Helping others gives you a sense of meaning. It makes you feel that your life is worth something because you are useful to someone else. Being able to help other people also has a positive effect on your self-confidence.

People who are young like to have fun and often have a great sense of humor. Laughter is a source of life, because no one is ever too old to have fun. Maintaining a good sense of humor is also an excellent exercise for your brain.

Beliefs, personal values ​​and spiritual practices are also very important. They seem to be an inexhaustible source of life and vitality for many people.

The challenge of getting older or getting old

It’s not that you don’t start developing these qualities, which seem to be the difference between getting older and getting old, until you reach a certain age. After all, we are getting older every day.

How you live your life now and how you feel in your own body today will determine whether or not you age gracefully. Are you ready for the challenge?

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