The Car Accident That Changed Your Life

If you ever think, “That won’t happen to me,” “I drive safely so I’m never in danger,” or “It’s okay to look at my phone for a second,” think again. What if you’re wrong? What is the price of being too confident while driving? Are you willing to pay that price? Are you aware of the damage you can cause?
The car accident that changed your life

Every time you drive your car, you run the risk of having a car accident. The longer you have your driver’s license, the greater the chance that you will be involved in an accident. And of course, the more time you spend driving, the more you expose yourself to accidents.

While it is true that these factors increase the likelihood of a car accident, they are not the only factors. Being inexperienced, having slow reflexes or just being impatient are circumstances that also play a role.

Whatever the case, it’s always worth pointing out the importance of being aware of the seriousness of reckless driving, because of the harm it can do to yourself and others.

Calling while driving

The car accident that changed my life

For those who have experienced a life-changing car accident, that day marks a “before” and “after,” either because they were a victim or because they witnessed it.

An accident can become a traumatic experience

Being the victim of a serious car accident can have a negative impact on your health and well-being, both physical and psychological. It is no longer just about the victim, but also about their families and loved ones. These people now have to accept what has happened.

The grieving process begins and you have to say goodbye to the life you have lived until now. You have to adapt to a new life, with possible limitations.

Change and grief take time. You may go through several stages, including denial and depression. It’s likely that at times you feel like your dreams have crumbled and you can’t possibly go back to your old routine. It is very common to experience a million emotions because you are going through a traumatic experience.

So keep in mind that you may go through several emotional phases before reaching emotional balance again. Also, remember that everyone handles trauma in their own way, so you need to embrace your own individual journey back to wellness.

Sad woman after car accident

No distractions behind the wheel

According to the statistics service of the SNVO, in 2017 102,333 people were involved in a car accident, including injured people who were hospitalized, deaths, pedestrians crossing the street, car passengers with someone else as a driver and injured people who did not require hospitalization. (link for information about Dutch figures).

30% of the distractions on the road are due to the use of mobile phones. This is because people often think “This won’t happen to me,” “I’m a good driver,” or “It’s okay to take a look at my phone.”

But what happens if a collision occurs in that one second? A collision that forever changes your life and that of other people who were close to you?

Remember it is fundamental to drive responsibly. This is the only way to reduce your chances of being a victim of a car accident. Roads should be safe places for everyone. That is why it is necessary that people respect the traffic rules to ensure safety.


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