The Best Deed For The Heart Is To Help Others Fly

The best deed for the heart is to help others fly

Helping soothes and rewards,  but it isn’t always easy. Sometimes the person must first be aware that he or she needs help and that grabbing a helping hand does not equal weakness, but strength. It also involves investing effort, time, and emotions. But these are not too heavy burdens.

Life itself should always be a natural meeting place for love and respect, where universal empathy is that tacit force in our hearts that allows us to fully express our kindness.

We know that it is not easy and sometimes we are filled with expressive expressions that we like to share on our social networks, but most of the time we forget them afterwards.

Sometimes it’s our own family or our own friends who need a little help to fly. Sometimes they are the ones dealing with depression or the desire for understanding, support, and intimacy. Or maybe our adolescent children are going through a rough time, maybe they are being bullied at school or experiencing emotional disappointment for the first time. It’s easy to overlook, because we don’t have time, because we focus more on other things.

The heart needs eyes to see and inner freedom to feel. We must rid ourselves of the superficial to provide for the necessary, so that the goodness, which is inherent in all human beings, allows us to help those in need.

Learn to listen from your heart

Woman at Candle

Maybe your best friend has a big smile on her face as she talks to you and her words ring out, but you look into her eyes and you feel that a tear could fall at any moment.

The heart that knows how to listen is wise and free from selfishness, unaware of the closed universe that feeds only when needed. Goodness knows what it must feel like and can read between the lines.

Feeling emotions in others is a gift installed in our social mind through mirror neurons and empathy. We all come to earth with the knowledge of how to recognize such basic emotions as sadness, anger, love or fear, but sometimes – through social, educational or personal influences –  there are people who only focus on themselves,  on  me. feel what I need and what I want. It is these themes that determine the structure of their lives.

You don’t have to be naive to live from the heart, as many people think. Being sensitive is not the same as being weak and helping others does not mean allowing people to take advantage of you. Certainly not. Those who build their lives from the heart are clear about the following aspects:

Woman with Bird

I help you because I help myself

The one who extends his hand to the one who needs it does not do so in order to get something in return. They do it because it’s part of who they are, because they can’t help it. They don’t expect anything of material value in return, nor are they looking for compliments.

The greatest reward is the feeling that you are useful. If we turn our heads and pretend not to see that someone is having a hard time, it would lead to inner dissonance. It would go against our values.

The act of helping is a kind of wisdom that enriches us

Someone may have multiple college degrees, speak five languages, own multiple cars, and own the most comprehensive cell phone in the world, but all these resources won’t help much if they don’t see that their mother needs help because she suffers from dementia, their partner becomes feels lonely even though they are always with him or her.

Offering help enriches us because it makes us respect our fellow human beings. Offering help enriches us because it teaches us the language of basic emotions. Offering help enriches us because it is a way in which we can bring happiness and new possibilities to people.

The goodness that comes from the heart is the only investment that will never fail

There are many who think otherwise. That being a good person is exhausting, that doing good sometimes leads to disappointment. Let’s be clear:  good people need to understand that there are limits and that we also have the right to sound the alarm if we need to.

For goodness is offered freely and with intelligence.  We know that actions that come from the heart are good investments. It helps us to be free from resentment and full of freedom, emotional balance and well-being.

And no one can take more pleasure in life than he who carries the sun within himself and knows how to weather every storm.


–Images of Martin Poole, Janaima Medeiros and Tomasz Kopera–

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