The Art Of Attracting Magic Into Your Life

The art of attracting magic into your life

Our souls long for magic. Children love fairy tales and other stories about magic. Even as you get older, magic and fantasy will each hold a place in your heart. However, it will become easier for you to forget the “spells” that encourage magic and fantasy. Therefore, attracting magic is becoming more and more important in your life.

Stories about an invisible, magical world are so appealing (to both children and adults) because they contain all kinds of ancient archetypes that we have experienced ourselves in our life journeys. These stories open your senses. They fuel them in a way that allows you to see the magic — plain, simple, and beautiful — that exists around you every day.

All over the world and throughout history, people have written surprising, inspiring stories about fantastic creatures and amazing events. This has been going on for thousands of years. Behind all these stories you can find not only our imagination, but also our wishes and fears.

Attracting magic is important to everyone

We all need magic. When you reject this, it means that something is wrong. Magic can be found all around you despite this possible rejection. Rejecting this is therefore equivalent to rejecting a large part of yourself and your abilities.

It seems that  difficult circumstances especially lock you into this adult perspective that excludes magic so much. It is a position that hides your inner child. You don’t necessarily find the experience of the magic less enjoyable, but it also gives you a dose of nervousness.

As adults, we are constantly solving problems and fighting (or protesting) injustices. This concerns in particular issues of which we ourselves are the victims. These are the kind of circumstances in which you try to survive. In the meantime, however, you sometimes forget to look up. The good news is that it is possible to practice (again) the art of attracting magic. Shaping a magical vision towards the small details is a state of mind. Everyone has the ability to create their own “magic button”. Likewise, you are in a magical state when you come out.

Attracting magic

Attracting lost magic

Your mind is incredibly powerful (much more powerful than you might think) and with a little training, you can completely change your state of mind. What this means is that you  learn to recognize all those magical moments (again). Thus, you will no longer let those magical moments slip through your finger while chasing the clock. The well-known disadvantage of chasing this is that the clock doesn’t pause like we do.

Believe in yourself

You will not find beauty outside unless you first see it in yourself. If you’re always looking for outside approval, you’re wasting valuable time. That time would have been better spent dreaming about your next big project. Perhaps you could also have spent that time learning a new skill.

When you believe in yourself and your skills, you have endless possibilities. You become a creative person; you dare to dream, grow and share your vision with others. You let go of the fear of being ridiculed for this.

Everything starts with a dream, a vision or an idea. The difference between people who believe in themselves and those who don’t is that those who do believe in themselves can often go a step further than their strength actually allows. That’s when someone creates a miracle and reaches heights that will amaze everyone.

get moving

We all manage our own lives. We can behave in many ways and thus influence the circumstances in which we find ourselves. How we behave in all these times will therefore lead to a certain result.

So it is important to know what state of mind you are in when you are about to do something. If you act from a standpoint of love, compassion and understanding, your actions will always be magical, elegant and powerful. They will also always contribute to the public interest. When you act out of love, you will not only feel better yourself. You also inspire others to behave in a similar way. Love always attracts more love — and that rule in itself extends beyond the concrete results of a specific, solitary act.

However, if your actions are based on your ego, if they are based on mistrust, fear, suspicion or criticism, you will attract only those same things. You attract the same kind of people and situations over and over again. These will lock you into a pattern in the long run.

Now is the time to change that. Do not be afraid! Magic awaits you around the corner – and the best part about it is that you can create it yourself. After all, we’ve already talked about the steps needed to attract magic. So now it’s up to you to make it happen.

Woman with suitcase and balloons in a field

Attracting magic between the little things in life

Magic exists in many things around you, in the  little things you share your life with. It can be found in anything: a sunset, the starry sky, the smile of a child, the chirping of the birds, the breeze against your face, the rain that refreshes and gives life…

Magic is not something that only exists in your imagination. Seeing magic in everything around you means recognizing and being grateful for all the wonders in your life. So to start putting on magic, you will have to be thankful for the amazing gift you already possess. This is the thing you enjoy with every heartbeat:  life . That’s because the kind of magic we’re talking about is mainly about inspiration, power, and energy. Each of these things you already possess. It is only up to you to magnify it.

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