The Aristotle Complex: Thinking You’re Better Than Everyone Else

The Aristotle Complex: Thinking You're Better Than Everyone Else

The Aristotle complex is not exactly seen as a disorder in the field of psychology and psychiatry. It’s more of a group of traits that folk culture is beginning to call a complex, in a mundane way. Basically it has to do with people who think they are always right.

The word “complex” comes from the Latin complexus. It means something made up of several elements. The same goes for psychology. Disorders are called complexes when multiple personality traits play a role, causing a person to have problems.

The main characteristic of the properties within a complex is that they are all unconscious. You don’t realize you have them. Or, if you do, you just don’t see them as a problem. For example, you may think it’s normal to be this way, or that you have very good reasons for it. Now let’s see what exactly the Aristotle complex is.

Aristotle, a stubborn philosopher

There is no doubt that Aristotle is one of the greatest philosophers of all time. He lived between the years 384-322 BC, in ancient Greece. His theories and teachings are so important that they still have a huge influence on philosophy and science.

Statue of Aristotle

First, Aristotle was a student of Plato. Plato was another great Greek philosopher, the father of metaphysics. Aristotle followed his teacher everywhere, and he was a brilliant student. Plato always had a high regard for him, until things started to change.

Aristotle began to develop his own philosophical ideas and became known for them. Then he began to stray further from his teacher. But that wasn’t the only thing. He also began to deviate further from his teachings, which Plato did not see as a problem.

Over time, he began to say that Plato’s ideas had no real basis. Many people had a problem with Aristotle’s attitude in this case. They felt that he was not loyal and overly proud. It didn’t lead to much, but he always kept that reputation.

The Aristotle Complex

Based on these moments of antiquity, some people began to talk about the Aristotle complex. They give this name to anyone who thinks they are better than others and that they are always right. They also say that it is not exactly the same as a superiority complex. That has to do with emotions and self-image, while the Aristotle complex is more of an intellectual matter.

The Aristotle Complex

People with an Aristotelian complex are obsessed with beating people on an intellectual level. They engage in long discussions just to prove that they are smarter and more knowledgeable than other people. They always put their ideas to the test by turning it into a controversy, and hopefully a public one.

Of course, someone with an Aristotelian complex always thinks he’s right. But for them, it’s really not the most important thing. What they care most about is forcing their point of view on others. They want other people to see them as a particularly intelligent person.

Complexes don’t lead to anything good

When it comes to the Aristotle complex, it is as if they have not progressed beyond adolescence. That is the age at which children find it very important to put their ideas to the test. But above all they like to prove how little authority figures know, how illogical they are. The process is usually very tedious for adults. But it is one way that young people build and strengthen their identity.

With teenagers and people who have an Aristotelian complex, they can be very insecure. This desire to be right at all costs and to force their perspective on other people is nothing but their self-doubt that comes up. They try to criticize other ways of thinking because they are afraid of those other ways. They think those things question their way of thinking and acting. Therefore, they cannot tolerate them.

man with glasses

The Aristotle complex is a matter of self-esteem. In other words, it’s a matter of narcissism. You inflate all the value and importance of everything you think out of an unconscious desire to deal with low self-esteem. It’s almost as if an animal makes itself bigger to appear more dangerous when it’s in danger. However you look at it, this intense narcissism can only lead to major problems in the future.

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