Take A Risk And Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone!

Take a risk and get out of your comfort zone!

We often believe that fate, luck or chance are responsible for what happens to us, but the fact is that  we are still responsible for our own destiny. We can change it, we can live in freedom and we can choose between the different possibilities that life offers us.

The problem is that  changing our lives scares us and makes us feel like we’re losing control. In short,  we are afraid to leave our comfort zone. We live by the expression “you better know where you stand”.

In 2003, psychologist Senninger spoke about this by referring to  the three areas of learning:

  1. Comfort zone. This is an area in which we live without fear. We are confident in our knowledge of life. Everything turns out to be easy and useful and there is nothing that scares us.
  2. learning zone. Although we don’t know this area very well,  we experience it slowly and we can get through it. In this area we deal with the small challenges that life gives us, which we overcome.
  3. Panic zone. Nobody likes this area. Here we experience fear, mistrust, risk,  uncertainty, danger…

Maybe a new love will come that makes us happy, but at the same time it scares us because we are in a comfortable zone with the person we have been with for years, but are not really happy. Or a new job comes our way that scares us for various reasons, but in many ways it is probably better than the job we already had. We’ve gotten used to it and we’re comfortable with it, because it doesn’t pose any challenges.

But what’s wrong with the comfort zone if we feel comfortable with it? Well, without realizing it,  the comfort zone can become our prison  and at some point we start to wonder if we made the right choices by rejecting things because we were afraid of the changes. What if I had entered into that new relationship? What if I had taken that job?

This “what if” destroys us inside. It is therefore good to slowly leave your comfort zone. This can be very rewarding.

There is more to life outside the comfort zone and sometimes we live in a golden cage, which is still a cage after all. When we fledge like young birds leaving the nest, we will realize that the world is full of nice things – and sometimes less nice ones, of course.

We feel more alive and better each day overcoming those barriers of fear. Because living in fear, a fear that is sometimes only in our heads, can affect us throughout our lives and prevent us from being as happy as we would like to be.

How can we get out of our comfort zone?

  • Learn to challenge yourself.
  • Learn that  failures discourage us, but they can also inspire us  and you can learn a lot from them.
  • Have fun when you start fighting for your dreams and take a bigger step every time.

Confront life with creativity!

And to start with that, let’s hear you this song…

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