Someone Like You Can’t Have A Boss

Someone like you can't have a boss

Do not allow anyone else to try to control your actions, your thoughts and your behavior. You are a free person and you do not deserve to have such a person around you. Someone who thinks he can boss others around is a toxic person that you have to avoid with all your strength. These kind of people don’t add anything good to your life, just a lot of negativity.

Why do some people want to boss others around?

Unfortunately, in our current world, education and training are increasingly turning into a form of indoctrination rather than based on the freedom to teach people to think for themselves. This fact creates serious problems, such as a lack of values ​​and the ability to recognize and accept ourselves.

In addition, ambition turns into something that is extremely important to some individuals who think they are better than others, or superior,  people who use money and power as an excuse to determine the fate of others.


In reality, the lack of appreciation for friendships, sensitivity, solidarity, understanding, and empathy leads many people down the wrong path, one where they look for happiness and commitment in things like money, power, and the lack of self-knowledge.

There are many lost people in this world who believe that they can make their environment better by dominating and dominating others. This idea is, of course, completely wrong.

What these people really do is reveal their insecurities, which makes other people unhappy. They exude a fake sense of pride that soon disappears. Their insecurity persists and they do nothing to deal with this uncertainty and improve this important aspect of their lives.

The boss is actually the true slave

The person who pretends to be in charge of someone else is actually a true slave to himself. In himself he is constantly struggling with his insecurity, which gives him the need to control others, thinking that this will make him feel better.

However, you, who are aware of themselves, who are able to think well and form a critical opinion, free to think and do as they please, should never allow yourself to become the prisoner of a dominant person who takes all his frustration out. pours out on you.

How can you expose someone who wants to boss others around?

You, who are able to think for themselves and see life in a positive way, who have a happy existence and who have an amazing ability to give and receive, can actually expose someone who wants to control others quite easily. .


Target insecure people who think they are essential to everything, who demand far more than they provide, who think that something will undoubtedly go wrong if they are not the ones doing it themselves, people who are selfish, who are possessive , who only pursue their own interests, who are only after money, who do everything to be victorious, at all costs…

As you can see, these insecure people leave a lot of clues. They will be by your side when they need you and they will abandon you the moment they think something better is waiting for them.

They will try to dominate you, make you feel guilty when they feel insecure about themselves. If they can’t boss you around, they won’t feel comfortable. They need someone who is docile and puts themselves at their service.

Therefore, you, who is able to think for himself and who knows what he wants in life, do not need anyone to boss you around and you do not deserve it. You must be free and happy. You have put a lot of effort into finding out how your life and your personality are structured and to act accordingly.

Avoid the one who is in charge of your life; chains are not made for humans. Everyone deserves the chance to be happy and free, but this can only be achieved through self-awareness.

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