Skills To Achieve Professional Success

Skills to achieve professional success

The road to success is mapped out by a mix of different factors; there is no doubt about that. Experts say that it is not our professional skills that are important to achieve this goal, but the skills that are also known as ‘soft skills’.

For example, when you have a job interview, it is your ‘hard skills’ that got you this interview in the first place, but your ‘soft skills’ have the potential to determine whether you will actually be hired.

What is the difference between hard skills and soft skills?

In relation to our professional environment, your ‘hard skills’ are all skills related to the career or work field that enable you to be successful in a certain area.

In the case of the computer industry, for example, your hard skills would indicate your knowledge of programming and how to apply that knowledge. In terms of writing, these skills would indicate your knowledge of language and your ability to convey feelings and thoughts through language.

You may be wondering at this point: why haven’t thousands of programmers and writers made it to the top and less talented people have managed to achieve success and gain recognition for their work?

The answer to this question is hidden in their ‘soft skills’. That is, the skills and traits that range from work habits to social achievement, as well as self-knowledge, leadership, and emotional control.

Our soft skills complement our hard skills, but they can make the difference between achieving the success we’ve been waiting and striving for for so long and failing to do so. These skills can be present in anyone, although there are still very few who know exactly how to use them.

How to use your soft skills

Soft skills are skills, traits and habits that set you apart from others. That is, the skills, traits and habits that set you apart from peers, colleagues and competitors.

You can use these skills to land a job, get a raise or even a promotion, resolve a conflict, undertake a project, or get along better with others.

Today, a lot of big companies around the world don’t just want to hire people who are competent professionals. They want to hire people who demonstrate their values, energy, dedication and efficiency.

You can have as many degrees, degrees, or certificates as you want, and yet never achieve the success or position you so desperately desire. Why? Because you still need to work on and learn more about your soft skills.

What are the best skills to promote success

  1. Social skills: as we mentioned above, a person can be very competent in theoretical terms, but if he does not know how to transfer this knowledge to others, it will always be very difficult to make it very far. Successful professionals are people who know what can motivate a group of people, and who can also appeal to people on an emotional level. That is, they contribute value, not just knowledge. Just think about the best teacher you ever had. Was this teacher so good because of the amount of information he conveyed, or because of the way he conveyed this information?
  2. Being open to criticism: Of course, nobody really likes to be criticized, especially if we think we’re really good at something. This is especially true at work. Being open to different opinions and perspectives is essential to achieving professional success. Remember that the best advice can come from the most unexpected quarters. Someone who is not an expert in a certain field, and who does not have all kinds of diplomas and certificates hanging on his wall, but who can still offer you a fresh and objective perspective on the things you do. Don’t get defensive when you are criticized, because doing so will only condemn yourself to failure. Learn to listen and receive criticism in silence, and if at all possible, change direction.
  3. Productive Habits: There are plenty of habits that can boost our productivity, such as creating a routine or keeping a calendar. The majority of the most successful people professionally have their agenda close at hand most of the time. In addition, they set alarms to remind themselves of meetings, are always on time and have a daily work routine that leaves no room for distractions. To relax, have fun and do other personal activities, we have the hours outside of our working hours. Of course, it’s important not to forget to get enough sleep, eat well and rest, and leave your work problems as soon as you get home. These are all examples of productive habits.
  4. Integrity: First of all, it is important to be honest with yourself and to admit in time when you have made a mistake (this is not the same as digging your own grave or getting yourself fired). Many companies consider these kinds of values ​​more important than certain skills or abilities. They prefer people who are able to accept when they’re wrong and don’t make the same mistake again, or people who are brave enough to say ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I don’t understand’ . Humility is also a quality that is highly valued by many multinationals today. So to be successful, we need to be honest, objective, responsible and have confidence in the project.

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