Self-knowledge Is An Endless Ocean

Self-knowledge is an endless ocean

Self-knowledge represents wisdom. It’s not a goal we have to achieve, because you’ll never know everything about yourself – not because of how determined you are or not, but because you’re constantly changing. But what exactly is self-knowledge? You could say it is a journey that offers you the opportunity to learn and grow, that lets you flow with the times and offers all kinds of experiences.

In our minds we are constantly working on the image we show to others, focusing mainly on the superficial aspects of ourselves. It is as if we completely lose sight of our deepest roots, the person we really are.

As you will see below, the process of self-knowledge requires tremendous courage, sincerity, love, and responsibility. This is because self-knowledge involves freeing yourself from prejudice, guilt, hatred, and resentment so that you can get closer to your core.

Self-knowledge will bring you peace

The road to self-knowledge is not a road to be rushed, impatient and eager to achieve something that can never be achieved. As you learn to listen to yourself and pay attention to your own needs, you will come to know yourself better and mature through each experience.


We are used to mental noise, to distracting ourselves by paying more attention to what other people are doing and how they behave. We are experts at judging, criticizing, advising, blaming and seeing in others what we cannot see in ourselves. But by not wanting to look at every aspect of who we really are, we break ourselves into countless little pieces.

Let go of distractions

Our dealings with other people are always a kind of double-edged sword, and the side you use yourself depends on the attitude you have towards the situation. On the one hand, we need contact with others to get to know ourselves, because in your interaction with others you can discover more about yourself. On the other hand, unconscious actions only create more distance between you and others and your ability to know yourself.

In order to get to know yourself through your interactions with others, it is important to listen to yourself during these interactions, observe the things you say, look at how you feel, what emotions are aroused, and what attitudes you likes and dislikes. Above all, it is important that everything you see comes from you and has to do with you.


No one has the power to make you feel a certain way without your consent. You have to understand that you are always an accomplice to this yourself, you are not a victim of how you feel. This applies both in the case of pleasant and in the case of unpleasant feelings.

When you feel love, this is something that comes out in you through your interaction with someone else. And just like love, anger also arises in you as a result of your interaction with others. Either way, your emotions are always connected exclusively to yourself.

Practicing Authenticity

Self-knowledge will always bring you close to authenticity, allowing you to present yourself to others as well as to yourself in a more sincere and honest way and avoid self-deception. This removes yourself from your need to please or blame others for what happens to you.

When you get to know yourself better, you increase your ability to be truly authentic. You will be more transparent, clearer, and move closer to love and wisdom. On this road you will explore the depth of meaning that each experience has.


And you will find that self-knowledge is an endless ocean that you can sail all your life, to learn to understand and love yourself. And then you will be able to share yourself, just as you are, with others through love and authenticity.

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