Self-hypnosis In Everyday Life: Learn To Program Your Subconscious Mind

Self-hypnosis in everyday life: learn to program your subconscious mind

Self-hypnosis is a very useful psychological tool to make behavioral changes. At the same time, it can help you control the flow of negative thoughts, put you in a better mood, and even help you focus on certain goals. At the very least, it’s worth learning more about what it is and how you can use it in your everyday life. 

When you hear “self-hypnosis,” an indefinable mix of fascination and skepticism can come to mind. There are so many books and research papers that go into its usefulness and limitations. So we can answer the question “Does it really work?” answer as we can with any other type of therapy. Some people experience nothing at all. Others have clearly had a positive experience.

If you are interested in the functioning of the human mind and its mysteries, hypnosis will fascinate you. To this day, it is a very effective treatment for addictions. It is one of the most widely used smoking cessation aids. In addition, in recent years, many people have started using self-hypnosis. This is to program their subconscious to make changes and work towards a goal.

Woman with a luminous brain

What is self-hypnosis?

Let’s say you’re on the subway or bus and you ‘re staring at a certain spot on the window and your mind wanders. You’re not going anywhere, you just get lost in your thoughts for a long time. A few minutes later when you reach your stop, you wake up stunned. It’s like coming out of a trance.

Hypnosis has many similarities with this situation. Disconnect from reality to go to the depths of your mind. And what you do in these moments can have a major impact on your life. You can make decisions, prioritize, target your desires, and even improve your mood. You sometimes engage in self-hypnosis without noticing.

Here’s an interesting fact that people don’t pay much attention to. Many actions that you perform consciously arise from your subconscious. Your taste, the way you react to certain circumstances and your preferences are all products of an unconscious substrate. This is where your past experiences, personality, instincts, and automatisms are held. It orchestrates much of what you do during the day.

Therefore, the goal of self-hypnosis is to exert more control over your subconscious mind so that you can program it. You try to refocus it so you can make behavioral changes.

Stairs that lead to the door of the universe

Techniques to practice self-hypnosis

For some people, it is better to practice hypnosis with a professional. But if you don’t have the time, access, or resources, the following strategies can be very helpful. The most important thing is to be persistent, use your willpower and practice these exercises daily.


To practice self-hypnosis, you need a reference point : the light of a lamp, a sheet of paper, a glass or even an imaginary situation. It should be a mental refuge or a visual point so that you transfer yourself into your own mind.

  • What you will do first is cast your gaze on this reference point and relax. You move from physical sensations to mental ones. Towards relaxation, tranquility and balance.
  • Once you’ve reached that deep state of relaxation, repeat a series of positive statements. You enter into an inner dialogue in which you put into words the things you want to achieve. For example, “I will stop being afraid to speak in public,” “I will be less stressed,” “I will find a good partner.”


Self-hypnosis can also be achieved by looking at a point above your eyes. Just focus on this spot and slowly create a little mental blur. Then you sink into a relaxed trance where you focus only on your breathing. Once there, start reciting positive goals again: I will achieve…I want…I go…I focus on…

To breathe

Another simple self-hypnosis strategy is controlled breathing. Follow the steps below:

  • Look for a quiet space. This is the environment you will always use for self-hypnosis. Your mind must associate that couch, corner on the floor, or room with the hiding place so that your mind can relax and wander into the subconscious.
  • Once you have chosen a place, you will control your breathing as follows : inhale, hold, exhale, be empty after exhalation.
  • It is ideal to repeat this cycle 5 to 6 times. Then you stay in this relaxing void. Stay in this void full of possibilities where you can talk to your subconscious and program it. Again, you state your goals and desires (always positively).
A man meditating on a mountain

Perhaps these simple techniques will remind you of relaxation techniques that are very common in meditation. But it offers more than just peace and attention to the present. One of the goals of self-hypnosis is to change your behavior, thoughts, and mood.

The purpose of self-hypnosis as a therapeutic tool is to replace negative statements with positive ones. It’s more than a relaxation exercise, it’s training. Therefore, you should repeat these exercises 4 to 5 times a day for 5 minutes. You have to be consistent and purposeful. No one changes their unconscious thoughts from today to tomorrow. You have to have perseverance and trust in the power of your mind.

Changes will happen sooner than you think. 

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