Positive Conversation Can Change Your Brain!

A positive conversation can change your brain!

Few things can fill us with so much energy and enthusiasm as positive conversation. Because during these conversations you feel that you are being listened to. And you, in turn, want to listen to the other person. There is also a real connection between the people involved. They say so much and are full of kind, cheerful words. These kinds of conversations are a real balm for life.

The opposite can also happen. When you speak, you sometimes feel that the other person just doesn’t understand you. You may also feel annoyed when you have to listen to them. Plus, you notice a negativity in their words. Sometimes they are even really aggressive. These encounters will only leave you displeased and angry. You also remain with a certain bitterness in your heart.

We all know from experience that a positive conversation is a wonderful conversation. But what’s new is that science has confirmed this through recent research. They have shown that constructive dialogue has the ability to change some of our brain patterns. Neurochemistry also shows us how these kinds of conversations can help our brains.

An investigation about words

Mark Waldman  and  Andrew Newberg  investigate human behavior. The first is a professor of communications and a member of the  Executive Program of the MBA  at the University of  California . The second is director of the  Brind Center for Integrative Medicine  at  Thomas Jefferson University . Both researchers have conducted thorough investigations. They have also written a book calledWords Can Change Your Brain.”

The research they conducted has revealed some very interesting information about words and positive conversations. For example, they have found that the word “no” triggers the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. It puts us in a state of alarm and weakens our cognitive abilities.

On the contrary, the word “yes” causes dopamine to be released. This is a brain hormone that regulates the mechanisms of gratification. It creates a feeling of well-being. Moreover, it also strengthens a positive attitude towards communication.

Words and a positive conversation

These discoveries about the words “yes” and “no” are only part of the research that Waldman and Newberg have conducted. Through various experiments, they have succeeded in scientifically proving that words can change our brain. Positive or negative conversations also have the same effect.

Some people use more words that have a negative effect on the brain. On the other hand, there are others who use more constructive words. In both cases, people do this without really realizing that they are doing it. But what is certain is that both types of people convey a different feeling to the other person.

It is also interesting to note that the  CreatingWE Institute   conducted a study in which they came to a similar conclusion. In this case, they studied the effect that bosses’ words have on their employees. They showed that caring and warm statements increase the production of oxytocin. But not only that, they also increased the intellectual capacity of the employees and made them more productive.

Positive conversation and compassionate communication

Waldman and Newberg have created a concept that has already taken hold. They call it “compassionate communication”. It refers to a form of communication that encourages respect and sincerity towards the other person. This is the kind of communication that happens when you have a positive conversation.

The researchers have also discovered one of the cognitive ingredients that characterize positive conversation. People have a better understanding when ideas are treated separately. They understand them better when they are faced with no more than four ideas. In other words, the guarantee that people will understand something is greater if they do not have to tackle several issues at the same time. Another important point is that you should wait at least 30 to 40 seconds before switching from one topic to another.

Waldman and Newberg also found that certain words have a profound effect on people. They are the words  poverty, disease, loneliness or death. These expressions affect the  amygdala  and trigger many negative thoughts. However, they have also discovered that you can soften the effect of these words. They don’t have such a negative connotation if they aren’t at the beginning or end of a sentence.

It is impossible to remove every negative word. But it is always good to compensate them with positive words. The same goes for conversations. If the communication has been negative, then it must be made up for with a positive conversation. Because this brings balance, not only to the conversation but also to the chemistry of our brains.

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