Overcoming Your Inferiority Complex

Overcoming your inferiority complex

We all tend to feel like we are worth less than others. The media and marketing around us make us less beautiful, smart and fun. If you allow yourself to be influenced by these emotions and everything they generate, you will live a sad life. To avoid this, you need to boost your confidence.

I know this is easier said than done. It’s more than just getting out of bed and saying nothing will touch you from now on.  You can make that choice, but unfortunately life doesn’t always work that way. Strengthen your self-confidence by following the steps below and you will see how the inferiority complex will slowly leave your life.

Admit you have an inferiority complex

I know it’s complicated to admit that you’re a victim of an inferiority complex. But admitting that you are struggling with this problem instantly boosts your confidence. Of course you have to keep working on it, but it is an important step.

Try to find out when this inferiority complex started. The reason behind it will make it easier to create a strategy to attack that which makes you feel inferior.


I’m sure it will be difficult and painful, but it will give you the key to choose the best possible path. Don’t be afraid of what you will encounter. It’s worse to live without accepting it and loving yourself just the way you are.

Identify the symptoms of an inferiority complex

If you come across a situation where your inferiority complex comes up, you will definitely notice some specific symptoms, such as nausea, trembling, sweating or nervousness.

Boost your confidence by identifying these feelings and giving yourself time to analyze them: What is this about? What does this remind you of? What can you do to keep yourself going? Don’t run from these feelings. On the contrary, they are good because they let you know that something is wrong, and they lead you on a path that strengthens your self-confidence.

Stop feeding your complex

Strengthen your self-confidence by not paying attention to the things that fuel the complex. Most complexes arise from things about ourselves that we don’t feel good about. But I’ll tell you a secret: often other people don’t see those things at all.

Try to see the situation from the outside and you will see that this is true. Spend time with someone you have a good relationship with and ask them if they have a complex too. You’ll find that what they find so annoying about themselves is something you didn’t even notice. And the same goes for you.

What you need to do now is put less value on those things that you don’t like about yourself. Imagine they are not there and get on with your life. It may seem difficult, but keep at it, because it gets easier.

Focus on something positive

The more time you spend thinking about what you don’t like and the things that make you feel inferior, the less you feel like living. Keep moving and boost your confidence by doing things you enjoy. If you don’t already have a hobby, now is a good time to find one.


Find a new passion, like a sport, or go back to things you used to love, like painting or maybe just going out with friends. Your complexes are as important as the value you place on them, so deprive them of the ability to influence you. Have you ever considered that your “mistakes” in the eyes of others are precisely what makes you unique?

Strengthen your self-confidence

The worst thing you can do is put your life on hold because of your complexes. You are an interesting person with many unique qualities and you have a lot to offer the people around you. Don’t cut yourself off because you don’t like something about yourself. No one is perfect, but the secret to a happy life is to learn to live with it.

Boost your confidence. Remember that you are the only person who decides how to live their life. Will you hide or will you choose to live life to the fullest? I advise you to choose the second and to live each day as if it were your last day.

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