Men Are Also Victims Of Domestic Violence

Men are also victims of domestic violence

When we talk about domestic violence, we automatically think of men who abuse their wives. This is normal, as this type of violence is more visible and more common. It is true that the number of women who are abused by their partners is much greater than the number of men. But this doesn’t mean we can just ignore these men.

Just because domestic violence against men isn’t very common doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The study Domestic violence in the Netherlands, conducted by the Scientific Research and Documentation Center and the Intervict institute, shows that 40 percent of the victims of domestic violence are men and 60 percent are women. In previous studies, this ratio between men and women was still 15 and 85 percent, respectively.

Hidden Domestic Violence

Although there is still a great taboo against reporting domestic violence, we can observe significant progress. Today, one in five cases is reported to the police, compared to 12 percent in 1997. However, these reports are mainly made by women, men often feel they are not taken seriously.

However, domestic violence against men is also a very serious matter, with sometimes even fatal consequences. In the period between 2009-2011, the police recorded an average of 13 fatal male victims of domestic violence. It is therefore important that it is made easier for men to receive help.

Man Is Sad Because He Is A Victim Of Domestic Violence

Victims of abuse suffer not only from physical aggression, but also from psychological aggression. This causes them to isolate themselves from their family and friends, feel ashamed of what is happening to them, and fear rebelling against their abuser. Because male victims of abuse are so invisible, society is hardly aware of this phenomenon.

The worst that can happen is that the victim considers his situation ‘normal’. This prevents him from listening to his reason and seeing reality for what it is. Many male victims do not regard their situation as abnormal. This is a problem that prevents them from calling for help or reporting them.

But the most important thing to realize is that the fear that abuse causes affects all victims the same regardless of their gender. Because it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman. Although in practice it is often not even believed that men can be victims of abuse, so that male victims have nowhere to go with their problem.

Abuse is abuse

Child abuse, intimate partner violence against the woman, or partner violence against the man – all these types of abuse are equal. The only changing factor is the age and gender of the victim. And yet domestic violence against men is often not taken seriously.

However, a simple search on the internet will yield enough information on the subject. How do people on the street react to a man who abuses his wife to a woman who abuses her husband?

Are men perhaps less vulnerable than women? In general, after all, it is the woman who is defended. But what about the man? Can it be laughed at?

Men who suffer from domestic violence are also beaten and have things thrown at them. They are also covered in bruises. It doesn’t matter if they are often taller than women or if they seem unlikely to be mistreated by their partner. All people can be victims of domestic violence, regardless of their gender.

Man Sitting With His Head In His Hands Because He Is A Victim Of Domestic Violence

Gender violence is very different from domestic violence. Women are legally much better protected in this regard. A threat to a woman is considered a crime while a threat to a man is a minor offence. But a threat is a threat, and a blow is a blow, and it doesn’t matter who gets it. Shouldn’t the consequences be the same whether you’re male or female?

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