Love Is More Than Words

Love is more than words

I wish you love, that wonderful love that gives you butterflies in your stomach, puts a silly expression on your face, and makes your smile shine. The love you can’t escape no matter how hard you try. The addictive love that you want more of, that makes you want to feel it more strongly and above all want to know how to love someone well. Because love is more than words.

I wish you true love, not the easy kind that we already have enough of, but the kind that is fed every day.  The kind that surprises you with how good it feels and makes you want to take refuge in it when you feel lost. Yes, love, those seven simple letters, but how I want you to find it , because those letters quickly become words, and so much of it! In addition, as a human being you become so much more, simply because love has thousands of meanings. But which of all these meanings do you think is the most important? The answer is simple: it is the one that describes you.

That is the love I wish for you, the love that wraps its arms around you strong and safe, the love that kisses you with passion, the love that makes your legs tremble, the love that gives warmth when it’s cold and the love that gives you air when you can’t breathe. The love that makes you forget the word ‘never’, like your boundaries and your foolish and empty promises, that love that gives you stories and makes you live. And let’s not forget, if it doesn’t give you life, it’s not love.

Love is more than words

It won’t be enough to just make it sound like love, it has to radiate love.  Not just words, but much more, because if we’re only talking about letters, I don’t wish you a real love.

When all you need is a look, when a simple gesture says it all, when you don’t even need to be touched to vibrate or when there’s so much chemistry that everything flows without words, that’s love, the love that we really want… real love.

Two people who just got married because love is more than anything

I wish you a smile, a smile for no reason and a smile for a reason. I want you to get excited when you talk and don’t tell me why, I want you to make me feel why so I can enjoy it too. My wish is that you have so much love, so much that you can give to others. Spend it with much joy, with deeds, with so much more than words.

Don’t lose the desire to keep striving for it

And speaking of wishes… my wish is that you don’t lose hope. That after feeling all this you still have the desire to experience it and not to stop looking. Realize that love isn’t just a bunch of flowers, it’s the water they need to grow and not die. One cannot do without the other.

Keep looking for passion and keep feeling it, let the love flow from every pore of your body. And in every smile, keep working and striving so that love does not die. And when you’re full, it’s time to give it to the world, because it needs love and people who share that love.

Two people holding hands, but love is more than physical contact

If you lose it, find out where it has gone, both inside and outside yourself. Keep pushing because love moves everything. Do not give up. Let it go again, keep falling in love every second of the day. If there’s one thing we should regret, it’s that we didn’t try, didn’t fight, because love heals everything. 

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