Love Can Tear Down Walls

Love can tear down walls

Love is the most powerful feeling known to man. It can change people, much more than the power of hierarchy or the ability to convince people with words.

The highest walls that man has ever built, not just physical walls, have been knocked down by this feeling. Love has tremendous power and can therefore bring about profound and lasting changes in us.

The walls of misunderstanding

The highest walls that man has built are those of incomprehension. When people are constantly preserving doctrines, traditions, customs, laws and beliefs, everyone is able to hide behind a wall of deafness.

There is no one so deaf as one who does not want to hear, just as there is no one so blind as one who does not want to see. No matter how many wise and kind words you offer them, people who cling to old habits or traditions will rarely be convinced by reason, because in their mind there is simply no other way.

This is where the game of love comes in. Because even someone who has built a high and impenetrable wall around themselves – based on stereotypes and prejudices – can find understanding, affection and flexibility in a feeling as genuine and noble as love. Love is a technique that can bend the walls of misunderstanding.

In love, you discover your true self

It’s amazing how sometimes we feel the need to come up with reasons to define ourselves. We look here and there for ideas—generally coming from other people—that we think represent us, and we don’t really care about anything else.


We think that if we spread one idea or the other, as long as it sounds cohesive and great, we don’t have to do anything else. We internalize the beliefs, habits, and thoughts of others and use them to build a wall behind which we hide.

This is a dangerous habit because it takes us away from the road to self-knowledge. Seeking safety and comfort in other people’s opinions will only reveal a vague outline of who we really are.

Later, when emotional earthquakes shake the very foundations of our existence, we are hardly willing to understand and absorb it. In this situation, and with such a daunting prospect, we miss out on the great opportunities that life could have given us ; we are unable to confront them, because we cannot even understand our own heart.

Love breaks down the walls of beliefs

Acquired beliefs remove us from ourselves and bring us closer to what other people want us to think. But this does not make us free, complete or happy.

However, when you are touched by true love and you feel as if you are floating more and more with every step you take and happiness floods your heart and soul, everything you had previously learned and acquired will lose its essence and importance.

And suddenly love appears, like an earthquake that destroys your material possessions, prejudices and stereotypes. The feeling in your heart is burning and screaming, telling you that that person who loves you – and whom you love with all your soul – is more important than anything in the world.

And it is then that you realize that you will never go back to who you were. Love has changed you. Love has pulled down all those walls you built to protect yourself, thinking you were safe behind this.

But love doesn’t need walls, protection, or coats of arms. Your own happiness, seeping through every pore of your skin, will make you feel like you are the most complete person in the universe, without needing the opinions of others to confirm it.

Learn to receive love with open arms

However, if you are not willing to receive love, you could experience insecurity, doubt and fear. If this happens, that wonderful feeling could be diluted little by little, causing you to fall back into your old habits of feigned security.


Only a deep sense of self-knowledge and a deep love for the person who is by your side, someone you can trust completely, will be able to fill the voids you sometimes fall into.

Do not be afraid to ask your heart to love. Take down all those walls you’ve built over the years. Let the true happiness and freedom help you to show your true feelings.

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