Look For Happiness Without A Story, Not A Story With A Happy Ending

Look for happiness without a story, not a story with a happy ending

Stories about princesses permeate the collective unconscious when we talk about love. But we don’t have to eat partridges to be happy or have the story end with “…and they lived happily ever after”. We don’t need a story with a happy ending. We should try to be happy without stories, without a story with a happy ending.

What we need is to live happily in our own way, build independent relationships, create our destiny. Don’t choose the prince charming or princess who lives in a rosy world. There are already too many illusions. Love is not the way Disney paints it or like the fairy tales we wanted to believe in as children.


You dropped your crown, princess

You have dropped your crown because you have cried so much, princess. Toads don’t turn into princes. They never did. The princes will not take you flying and they will not save you from the dragon or give you a kiss that will bring you back to life.

Why is it so great to be a princess anyway? Today women can become engineers and not dolls. Who wants to be locked up in the tower of a castle? Why not choose to be strong, independent and powerful?

Tear up your ball gown. Fly with the birds and forget the stepmothers and enchanted carriages. Do not give up and do not just accept your fate, but choose one for yourself. Ask questions about everything, don’t live in a story, go in search of happiness yourself.


Choose the wolf, not the prince

It doesn’t make sense for the porcelain woman who is fragile and delicate. Flying with a broom is much better. Say goodbye to naivety and innocence and hello to cleverness, cunning and emotional independence.

Don’t die waiting for the prince on the white horse. Be a witch, play with dragons, feed toads and cook your best brews of self love in your cauldron. Put yourself first.

And you, prince, take off your cape and your sword.  You don’t have to conquer the dragon and save the princess. You’re not happy, you’re just in love. You are not made of steel, you are flesh and blood.


No, you don’t have to save the world from others before you can save yourself.  You are also entitled to gifts, care and emotions. Become a wolf. A harness weighs many kilos and you know it.

You don’t have to protect yourself for the rest of your life. Allow yourself to feel and explore. Save yourself and don’t feel obliged to trek from castle to castle or to traverse the seven seas in search of marriage and the blessing of overprotective kings.

Don’t go to haunted castles with dungeons for the wicked. Don’t look for walls or colored surfaces. Let’s look for eyes that make us dizzy, that turn our hearts upside down and that make us fall in love with a smile. And they put that smile on our faces.

Man on Moon

Fairy tales are always stories with a happy ending, but that’s not what we want. We don’t want that eternal love filled with magical fate or partying with partridges. What really makes us happy is living the way we want, full of freedom and madness.

That’s why we don’t need a story with a happy ending, but we need to be able to be happy without a story. Without expectations. Without wizards. Without crowns. Without frogs. The only spell we need to know is that of self-love, for only then can we claim a path of stars.

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