I’ve Changed And Now I Give Everyone The Value They Deserve

I have changed and now I give everyone the value they deserve

The experiences we go through almost always change us, just as they change our priorities and viewpoints, thankfully. They help us “realize” that we shouldn’t allow others to walk all over us, abuse our ideas, or make us feel like we don’t matter. In short, we learn to give each person the value he or she deserves.

Setting priorities in life and giving everyone the position they deserve means working on a solid foundation for our self-esteem, reinforcing our self-esteem, and distinguishing between what is positive and what is negative for us. 

To do this, we must recognize that not everyone should have a say in our lives. Trust and priority are two privileges to be ‘earned’ and ‘built up’ . We may appropriate the privilege of determining who can and cannot influence our daily lives.


Growing up is synonymous with growing and prioritizing

Over time, we become experts at ‘realizing’ what really interests us. We are talking here about healthy and unhealthy connections, people who enrich us and people who hurt us, habits and expectations etc.

We are obsessive about pleasing everyone because we like everyone, which ultimately makes us feel like we are surrounded by quantity rather than quality. This usually changes over time. Whether it’s the years or the damage I don’t know, but we’re finally starting to prioritize the people we consider important in our lives.

It is not a matter of having friends or partners for the rest of our lives. It is not a matter of wanting to achieve perfection in a person. Rather, it is about reconciling our priorities by becoming aware of our emotions and enriching our relational baggage.

Looking Out Window

Don’t rely on appearances, they always change

In order to let go of those who do us no good, we must first stop thinking that emotional pain is an inherent part of our relationships.

We determine which people have value in our lives and what priority we give them. The phases we go through determine what kind of masks we wear and what kind of masks others hold up. Therefore, in order to expose ourselves and others, we must first rinse our eyes and realize how much damage has been done by trying to live up to the expectations and desires that others have of us.

Catching Butterflies

Knowing and valuing our interests

Each of us is who he is. Our character should belong to us and not have to conform to the orders, priorities and interests that others impose on us.

To gain such freedom, we have to study our past and emotional present, assess what kind of priorities we collect and what (and whom) they meet. This is important when we want to get rid of all the dirt that is in our lives.

Most of the time we let the pain of ‘these concessions’ we make pile up at the expense of our identity. We don’t think about it and this certainly makes us feel the need to flee from ourselves.

Fly away

This is like a person with a dust mite allergy who crawls under the rug thinking that the dust won’t affect his health and certainly won’t interfere with something as vital as his breathing. When we look at it this way, there is no doubt that those issues and people that are bad for us are only taking over our entire present life.

This takes away from the positive and, moreover, it hurts. A lot of pain. So when you’ve had enough of the pain of having inadequate priorities, come back to yourself, heal and take a step forward. A step that screams, ‘Enough! I will no longer give others the value they do not deserve.’

We all love authentic people, people who act from their hearts, who live their dreams and who take responsibility for their decisions and actions… More »

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