I’m Not Too Old To Make My Dreams Come True

I'm not too old to make my dreams come true

Finally, almost without knowing how, the day will come. Something in us awakens to tell us that we are no longer young enough not to fulfill our dreams. That we can no longer value half-soft hugs, unmotivated efforts or moonless nights. Eventually we reach a stage where the fears disappear. We are reaching a stage where borders are no longer gaping canyons, so that we can reach new opportunities. Now we can make our new dreams come true.

Jorge Luis Borges said in the epilogue of his Complete Works  that we, as humans, are made up of our past, our blood, all the books we’ve read and all the people we’ve ever met. But we can add one more thing to this list. We are also all the things we didn’t do when we had the chance. We are these voids, these failed attempts where our dreams have not come true. Desires that weigh us down more than all the mistakes we’ve made.

Convincing yourself that more trains will come for those who are able to wait is more than a sad mirage. It’s an idea often used in self-help books. There are facts that have passed their time, their magical moment, which disappeared like snow in the sun. They will never repeat. But with each new dawn, new doors open and new, fresh winds blow in. Beautiful spaces become available to us so that we can enter them with a new attitude.

Before we tell ourselves that we are too old for something or that some things are just not for us, we need to break free from this kind of sad melancholy. To do this, to rediscover our hunger, to rediscover our willpower and pleasure, we must live with our hands full and our hearts lighted.

Colorful Image Of A Naked Woman In A Paradise Setting

Our desires force us out of our comfort zone

We are no longer young enough not to fulfill our dreams or to show the beautiful seas we carry within us to people who cannot swim. To people who don’t speak the language of our waves. The moment comes when we have grown tired of the dullness of our routines, because they no longer offer us comfort, but rather resemble one of those winters that never seem to end in spring. Summer nights seem to have become a fantasy.

The age that our passport indicates is not relevant, because it is about the authentic youth that our hearts contain. The youth who still long for new experiences, new tastes. We long for something, but… how can we give that wish a tangible form? How can we go beyond the limits of our routine? It may sound contradictory, but sometimes we can turn our concerns into our allies. We can use them to exceed our limits of our safety and convenience.

Many of us see the term  comfort zone as a holdover from 1980s motivational psychology. But that theory grew out of the original goal of determining what temperature people felt comfortable at. But it’s actually even more interesting. People are programmed to seek neutral spaces where they feel comfortable and safe.

But that safety doesn’t always make the person more productive or happier. Often new, important necessities arise.

Trees Hanging In The Sky And Saying You Can Make Your Dreams Come True

If we notice that our comfort zone is no longer big enough, this can act as a motivation. Without a doubt, it forces us to push the limits of our fears in order to discover new possibilities. Sometimes it is only by holding on to our worries and discomfort that we can strengthen the foundations of our growth.

The turns of life and new opportunities

Let’s think about the road our lives have taken. You have probably often imagined a straight line. Your past is behind you, with everything you’ve let go, with all your failed attempts and paths you haven’t explored. On the other hand, your future is ahead of you. Here are all opportunities for growth at your feet.

Actually, this is not the right way to imagine your life. The ideal image should be that you also see the twists, and even the circles you’ve run. Peter Stange is a renowned scientist and systems engineer. The one who sees our world and existence as a beautiful system of circles connected to each other. Almost like a mandala. They are circles that begin and end and which in turn are connected to each other. Without a doubt, it is inviting to think about our lives in this way.

Colorful Mandala

The opportunities we missed yesterday, the failed attempts of the past are part of a circle that has already come full circle. Seeing the beginning and end of the circle invites us to start a new one. And this we do with even greater steadfastness, wisdom and hope.

In this phase you are in, anything is possible. It is an open circle as you become aware again of everything that is happening around you. There are different opportunities and possibilities, and you have to be clear about one thing:  you must not leave your dreams unfulfilled, you must make your dreams come true. Everything that you have experienced in your past is not simply behind you. It also moves around you to serve as a reference. To help you remember which doors you’ve already opened. To make you aware of which paths you can walk with confidence.

Life ultimately consists of the construction of a beautiful mandala. One that is always on the move. You choose the colors. You, who no longer hold yourself back from making your dreams come true.

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