I’ll Give You Wings

I will give you wings

If you’ve ever loved someone, you know that there are times when you have to let go, when you have to give that person wings and let them fly away, it doesn’t matter where. Or maybe there was a time when you had to let the other person fly so that he could be himself, so he could discover and explore the world around him.

We should really be proud of ourselves that we were able to let go of someone we really love or let him be himself unconditionally, because love knows no possession, love is much more than that: it is respect and helping that other, it is working with that other, it is wanting the best for that other even though we would rather keep him by our side.

Learning to let go

What stands in our way the most when we have to let go of someone we love is our own ego. We think about ourselves and how we’ll feel when that person leaves, not how that person will feel if they can’t spread their wings.

Letting go is something we have to learn to do from time to time. Because we will experience it often enough throughout our lives that we will have to let go of someone, even if it hurts, even if our hearts beg us not to. But this doesn’t matter; we should ask our souls what is best for the other:  to let go of him or to keep holding him out of selfishness?

Learning to let go of someone has a lot to do with self-esteem. If we know how to enjoy being alone, we will have our own spaces, interests and friends, and if we really love the other person, we will not only let them go, but we will give them wings.


How To Free Yourself From Your Ego So You Can Let Go

We are often dominated by our ego. It makes us think of no one else but ourselves. But it’s time to change and think about others, to let them go and help them develop wings when needed. Below we give you three pieces of advice to help you free yourself from your ego:

Don’t always try to be right

So many people don’t listen when something is said to them; all they can think about is being right, without considering the opinions of others and sometimes without even letting them speak. But you should put yourself aside for a while. Don’t insist on being right all the time, because situations can often be viewed from multiple perspectives, perspectives where everyone can be right. Be tolerant and empathetic and just listen.

Free yourself from the urge to always have more

The ego always wants more: more attention, more money, more love, more time, more material things. But we must work to stop this urge for possessions and ask ourselves: What do I really need?

There are many things that we actually don’t need and sometimes the same can be true for people. We try to keep them with us, when we should really let them fly and help them find their way.

You are not what you have achieved

Sometimes we become obsessed with success without asking ourselves what success really is. We are not our achievements. Don’t cling to them, just keep going. Success isn’t money or power, it’s being surrounded by people who love you and enjoy the intimate bond you have with them.

When you love someone, you will understand that it is not an achievement for them to be by your side. After all, people are not possessions. It would be an achievement for you to make that person happy.

Let the people you love spread their wings


If someone you love has a dream, give them the wings they need to make this dream a reality, even if it means breaking away from you. It’s not about you, it’s about the happiness of the other person.

It’s complicated and it will probably hurt you, but in time you will realize that you have grown and that you have learned to put yourself in the place of the person you love and to show him how much you love him through him. to give wings to fly.

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