I Wish You All The Happiness In The World

I wish you all the happiness in the world

People often say things like ‘I hope you’re happy’ , but somehow you can feel them saying ‘but not happier than me’ at the same time It seems as if these people get a little upset when they see that others experience good things, while they themselves are stuck in daily life and above all are unable to be happy for the happiness of another.

Genuinely happy people are those who are able to recognize the achievements of others and to be happy for all the good that happens to others, as if they were experiencing it themselves.

If there is one thing that characterizes us all, it is that we are all constantly looking for happiness. We devise projects for ourselves, pursue our dreams and build hopes and expectations. Perhaps that’s why other people watch with suspicion when someone reaches this precious state of mind before they do.

However, this is not good. By holding on to this idea, you view life in the wrong way. We should not be looking for happiness, but rather create our own happiness. Something that can help us create happiness is paying attention to all the good things around us and the good things others are experiencing and sharing with us.

Selfish hearts and short minds are incapable of appreciating other people’s happiness. They burden themselves only with fear and jealousy. They are almost never able to enjoy the little things in life, the daily flurries of happiness.

It’s not crazy to be happy for someone else’s happiness


Voltaire once said that people look for happiness in the same way that drunk people look for their house. They touch everything and stumble all the time, knowing they have a house without being able to remember where it is. In reality, it’s quite complicated, especially when you’re talking about other people’s happiness, about all the good that happens to other people instead of ourselves.

It’s not crazy to be happy for other people; many of us do this simply because that is how we feel. Happiness is spread and shared, because sincere hearts enjoy it when things go well for others. Being happy about the happiness of another and wishing good things to the people we love offers our souls peace and balance.

Happiness is not something you have to ‘achieve’. Happiness is a daily harvest that we can enjoy from the bottom of our hearts, if we can understand it.

This can be done by recognizing that the good things that others experience do not make the things that we have less valuable. People who know how to recognize the noble qualities of others will be noble themselves.

Some people praise themselves for supposedly being able to be happy when others are doing well, when in fact they are secretly jealous and hide a lot of emptiness and discontent. To be happy for another’s happiness means to know how to share, how to keep your inner balance as you glorify the simple pleasures and beauty of life itself.

You’ve probably felt that someone you thought loved you didn’t seem very happy when you achieved certain things, when life gave you something that you really deserved. Why is this happening? Why is it that some family members and friends only want you to be happy, as long as you’re not happier than them? We will explain this below.


Worry about the happiness of others

It is said that you can only really know who your true friends are when you are going through a rough time. Another important moment when you could enjoy their sincerity is when you are overwhelmed with happiness, when you realize your dreams. If at that moment your friend shows that he is genuinely happy and as excited as you are, make sure you never lose this friend.

The phrase “I want you to be happy, but not happier than me” doesn’t always have the same negative connotation, nor does it mean that this person is happy when something bad happens to you. Sometimes it’s just a reflection of a lack of control. Just think of toxic mothers or families. When one of her children achieves something with his/her partner, this joy can be seen by the mother as an obvious threat. She loses control over her child.

At other times it indicates a lack of resemblance. Perhaps your friends are counting on you to always be in the same boat when it comes to work, for example. Then when you suddenly get a promotion or find a better job, the similarity that previously held you together is erased, which can break some of the bond between you.

There are also times when achieving happiness means making a change in your life and even setting new priorities. After all, life is a journey of constant renewal where we are sometimes expected to respond to something in a new way.

Never lose your attention to all the good things and wonderful coincidences that every day can bring and celebrate the happiness of others as if it were your own. Love is the only thing that grows when it is shared sincerely.

Air balloon

–Image courtesy of Marie Coubert–

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