I Refuse To Be A Footnote In The Book Of My Life

I refuse to be a footnote in the book of my life

I am the main character in my own story. I refuse to be carried away by what others think or to choose the easiest way. Instead, I’m going to fight to be who I am and to defend my identity, my own life and happiness. In the book of my life there will be chapters that hurt and make me cry. But there will also be other chapters that will bring the most beautiful smile on my face. But all, absolutely every chapter, will be told in my own voice.

There will be people who will try to take over my life with the best of intentions. Because they think they’ll be able to write a better chapter, because they think that way I’ll be able to avoid that grief. I want to say something to them. Sometimes you have to suffer in order to grow and build your own story.

There will be others who want to instantly turn into the main characters of my book, my narrator, my voice. And not for myself, but because they are toxic people who have to experience multiple stories, where they hurt others. They rob others of their role as protagonists in order to make themselves more important.

These jealous, gossiping and harmful people will not own a single rule in my life. Because although they strive to be the main character, they will not even succeed in becoming villains or enemies. I refuse to give them any interest. These people live on the value you give them. And in my case, I’ve decided that they aren’t worth a single letter, not a drop of ink.

I will be the main character although it may hurt, because the people who love you accept your mistakes and become constant values ​​in your life, your walking sticks that help you stay on your feet. They don’t try to change you. They accept you as you are, with your past and everything that comes with it. Because your past is your story, your life.

The best chapters in the book of my life take place in good company

In the book of my life, the best chapters always take place in good company. Those crazy, noisy and at the same time sensible companions. The ones that make you smile with the wildest stories. The ones that really leave a mark, which we call friends, the best kind of company.

Some friends can be found on a page, making you laugh at some forgotten paragraphs. Others come along and claim an entire chapter, leaving a mark that will remind you of a time you never want to forget. But the most important friends, your real friends, are the ones who are always there for you, through thick and thin. They will guide you through the whole story, from the moment they arrive.

The most important, the best, the ones that are there and will stay no matter what. We should really care about them. Don’t waste your time on stories of people who want to hurt you. Instead, spend your time with those who are always there when you need them. Those who say much more at a glance than others do with their false words.

The Book Of My Life

I write it and experience it

And as in many of my books, chapters will be underlined and full of notes in the margins. They will have worn pages because they have been reread so many times that they have come to mean something else. Especially when you watch them in the company of the people who support and love you the most.

In this book of my life, sentences will also be twisted and marked with anger and tears, because of someone who has hurt me. At the same time, however, these kinds of people have taught me how to live my own story. Because we all meet villains. But the main villains are the villains who teach you what has real value. They put the right people on your side and show you who your real friends are.

The Book Of My Life

That’s how I learned that I’m the main character in the book of my life. I write it and I experience it. It doesn’t matter who likes it or doesn’t like it. I’m also the one who chooses who I keep by my side and what I do in each paragraph. I simply refuse to be a footnote in the book of my own life because I am the main character.

You have to fight for what you want, for what matters, for your own life. Because happiness comes at a price, and sometimes it even hurts. But not fighting not to suffer hurts even more.  Let yourself be guided by the words and opinions of others who only want to become the main character in order to avoid making your own decisions. Trying to please everyone keeps you from writing your own story. Instead, it is read to you by others.

And keep in mind that past mistakes don’t matter. Because the past is already written. It has led to the present, with a future yet to be discovered. A present in which you can learn from the mistakes of the previous chapters. Furthermore, you can choose the characters that will guide you to the chapters to come.

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