I Just Got Fired, What Should I Do?

Getting fired is very difficult and can make you feel lost. But that doesn’t mean you can’t turn it into an opportunity to reinvent yourself and grow!
I just got fired, what should I do?

We want you to imagine something. You come to work and your boss immediately tells you that he wants to talk to you. You can see that he is acting strangely and you already realize what is going to happen: you will be fired from your job.

After your boss talks to you, he asks you to sign a document stating that you have been notified of your resignation. You are shocked. What are you doing now?

Getting fired is almost always annoying and difficult to deal with. You could be fired because your company has had to cut its workforce, you aren’t performing well enough, you aren’t interacting well enough with your team members, or you’ve had some disputes with your boss.

It is normal to feel sad, angry and even lost when this happens. Today we are going to talk about what you can do to get through this difficult situation. Interested? Keep reading!

What should you do if you are fired from your job?

Getting over the grief of your resignation

This is the most important stage, because you have to learn to accept the fact that you have lost your job. All types of loss include a period of mourning, including the loss of your job.

You had become accustomed to your work and the routine you built around it. Being fired can make you very upset. You might even start to think that you will never find another job or that you are worthless. However, such unrealistic thoughts only lead to fear.

You have to fight against denial, anger, guilt and sadness. You must overcome each stage of grief until you come to acceptance. This is the only way you will be able to start a new journey, be it a new job (same job or something different) or your own project.

Fired man sitting on the stairs of a building

Make decisions

When you’re fired, the most important thing to do is make decisions. Here are a few examples of the decisions we believe are the most important that can help you navigate the grieving process:

  • Exercise your rights. If you have been unfairly fired, you must file a complaint. If you are eligible for unemployment benefits, apply for this. And if you should receive severance pay, make sure you get it. The most important thing is to make sure you resolve these legal issues as quickly as possible.
  • Decide what you can do in the short term. For example, whether you are looking for another job, want more training, or to use your unemployment benefits or redundancy pay to make a trip. Whatever you decide, make sure it’s proactive and makes you feel better.

Take advantage of the changes

We know it can be really annoying to lose your job, but just see it as a perfect opportunity to change, reinvent yourself and grow. Maybe you already thought your job was boring, and now you have the chance to find one that is more interesting.

Getting fired from your job can also be a great opportunity to start your own business, such as starting your own business or working freelance. If you have an idea and the resources to make it happen, losing your job can actually be a good thing!

Finally, redundancy can also give you the opportunity to invest in training or take a different path. You can also take courses to build some confidence before you get started yourself. Just make sure you have all the necessary resources and don’t take these decisions lightly.

A woman runs her hand through her hair

It’s normal to feel unwell when you’re fired, but you should take a few days to recover and talk about how you’re feeling. After that you have to get back in the saddle and make some decisions. Although you may not see a way out at that point, there are still many possibilities.

Processing your grief means overcoming irrational fears about not finding another job. You must carry on living until you can finally take the reins and get back on track. The important thing is to seize every opportunity that presents itself.

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