How Your Attitude Affects Your Problem-solving Ability

How your attitude affects your problem-solving ability

At times, the smallest problem degenerates into an unexpectedly great ordeal. Of course, this could be because you happen to be having a bad day, but in most cases it has more to do with your mental attitude towards a problem or situation.  is what really hinders you from finding the right solution.

How Your Mindset Affects Your Problem-Solving Ability

When it comes to troubleshooting, having the right attitude is guaranteed to save you a lot of time and inconvenience. The first step in this constructive approach is to apply so-called active coping mechanisms, instead of falling into flight behavior (such as avoiding, escaping or trying to ignore the problem). There are phases in which waiting for the situation to resolve itself, as it were, and where your intervention is not immediately required, is recommended. Sometimes there is no point in trying to force something. Yet passivity is often not the first motto, on the contrary.


The second step in developing the right attitude is to consistently choose to be proactive and take responsibility for finding a solution yourself. And that can also occasionally be done by simply letting the problem disappear, by being patient and looking at it in a different way, so that it hinders or burdens you as little as possible.

The third step is to draw up an action plan, a personal manual that makes your specific goals accessible and manageable. In this way you avoid the stress and accompanying discouragement of having to solve everything all at once , as if you were trying to swallow an apple whole.

Your mental attitude can be of value

The spiritual habit of repeating actions that have led to success in the past has its uses and benefits. By returning to a course that has already yielded satisfactory results several times, you can quickly arrive at the desired solution. This saves time, but unfortunately sometimes more problems.

In your daily life, ingrained mental reflexes and reactions occasionally cause relatively simple and obvious solutions to be made needlessly complex. But the reverse can also happen: that making an important decision becomes almost impossible because you cannot open your mind to new perspectives.

In a more general sense, entrenched beliefs and rationalized routines can prevent you from discovering decisive things because you leave too little room for flexibility and out-of-the-box thinking in focusing on the problem. And that in turn can lead to you making the wrong decision and not seeing or appreciating possible alternatives.

Functional fixation

Functional fixation is the mental state in which you only perceive solutions that belong within the usual or expected use of an object. Our minds tend to follow its own cognitive biases and that makes it hard to imagine really new solutions.


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