How To Calm A Restless Mind

How to calm a restless mind

We live in a hectic rhythm. We are also dealing with a demanding world, and it is getting worse. We cannot deny that stress and anxiety are often part of our existence. We can’t go back to the past, but we can find a way to calm a restless mind.

Buddhists say you can compare the mind to a monkey. Like a monkey leaping from branch to branch, always in motion, the mind leaps from thought to thought. This can make us feel restless and confused. But why is our mind so restless? How can we calm this restless mind and find peace?

Fish in a bowl

The story of the elephant and the fly

A student and his master were walking through the forest. The student felt uneasy because his mind was so restless.

He asked his master, “Why is the mind of most people restless, and only a few who have a quiet mind? What can you do to calm the restless mind?”

The master looked at his disciple, smiled, and said, “I’ll tell you a story.”

The story went like this:

An elephant stood next to a tree and ate the leaves. A small fly flew toward him, buzzing at the elephant’s ear. The elephant flapped its ears to chase the fly away, but soon after, the fly was back. The elephant shook his ears again. This happened again and again.

After several failed attempts to scare the fly away for good, the elephant approached him and said, “Why are you so restless and noisy? Why can’t you just sit down?”

The fly replied, “I am drawn to what I see, hear, or smell. My five senses are constantly yelling at me about everything going on around me and I can’t help it. What’s your secret, elephant? How do you stay so calm and still?”

The elephant stopped eating and said, “My five senses don’t control where my attention goes. I decide for myself what I give my attention to. This allows me to be absorbed in what I am doing and keeps my mind calm and focused. Now that I’m eating, I’m totally absorbed in it. That way I enjoy my food more and can chew better. I control my attention, not the other way around. That keeps me calm.”

Get rid of what you don’t need

To maintain a calm mind, we must not be distracted. Getting rid of what you don’t need allows you to focus on what’s important. By being aware of the present, we can find peace and tranquility.

But how can we get rid of what we don’t need? What is important and what is not? How can we hear the answer within ourselves among all that noise? Actually, the first step is very easy: we just have to stop and be quiet. If there is no action, we will find the answers.

Meditation helps a restless mind

Meditation is a great way to calm a restless mind. It reduces the incessant bustle of the mind. Concentrating on your breathing is actually much easier than it looks. It ensures that we become more aware of rest.

Meditation for a restless mind

With a little practice and willpower, it is possible to develop the skill that allows us to find peace through meditation, no matter what is happening around us. Learning to meditate allows you to calm your mind while at work, on public transport, in a stressful situation, or wherever you are.

Cultivating Gratitude

The pressure and noise of your daily life can be a symptom of an underlying feeling of dissatisfaction. One way to improve your sense of pleasure and contentment is to recognize and celebrate all the beautiful things you have. Being grateful for what you have can help you put things in perspective.

Simply write down what you are grateful for right now, ten or more, just whatever comes to mind. Don’t think about it, write as soon as you can. Everything is good, from the materialistic to wisdom. When you’re done, read your list out loud. This will fill you with pleasure, and help you find inner peace. 

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