How Long Does It Take For A Habit To Form?

It may take more than 60 days to form a habit. However, if you really want it, it’s really worth the effort.
How long does it take for a habit to take shape?

How can you form a new habit? How long does it take for a habit to form naturally? Could any behavior possibly become a habit? Does it take the same amount of time to form different habits? In this article, we’ll answer all your questions about what you need to get a habit to take shape.

We would all like to adopt some healthier routines in our daily lives. For example, you may want to quit smoking, eat healthy foods, or exercise more regularly. However, you may find that after a few days you lose your motivation and give up.

To form a habit you have to make an effort. After all, you have to adapt your body or your routine to new behaviors that you were not aware of before.

That’s why consistency and persistence are the keys to forming new habits. These are your best weapons against the temptation to give up when things get tough.

The first step to forming a habit is determining what you want to achieve. If it’s something you really want and feel motivated to get, then it will be much easier to get started.

Forming a habit

How long does it take for a habit to take shape?

In 1960, plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz stated that it took 21 days to form a habit. Later research has found that neurons are unable to fully process new behaviors within this time frame.

If you use 21 days as a basis for building your habit, you run the risk of giving up if you can’t get it done within that time.

Later on, researchers at University College London also conducted a number of studies on this subject. They found that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit and make it permanent. They also found that breaking a habit for one day won’t hurt your long-term goals.

In order for a habit to take shape, you need to practice them regularly in the beginning. The practice time will vary depending on the behavior you want to turn into a habit.

It also depends on how familiar you are with the activity. Something completely new and very different from what you are used to may take more time. On the other hand, something familiar and easy to you will not require much time.

How can you maintain a habit?

The first thing to do is create an action plan. This requires you to set short, medium and long term goals for yourself. That will help you avoid the tendency to give up at the first possible chance.

The chance is greater that you will persevere if you see that you achieve the goals you have set for yourself. The plan should also state how much time during the day you plan to spend practicing the habit. Well-defined and well-organized plans will be much easier to follow.

How to keep a habit

You should also ask yourself why you want that habit to take shape. For example, you can visualize your future after you have achieved your final goal.

Even seeing some positive changes can help keep you motivated. Remember these things. They will make it easier for you to maintain the new habit.

Don’t be defeated by procrastination. By this we mean that you should not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. The sooner you start, the faster you will reach your goal.

Forming a habit takes constant discipline and work. You will certainly be able to persevere if you feel passionate about what you want to achieve. So what are you waiting for? Start forming healthier habits today!

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