How Important Is Teenage Self-esteem?

How important is teen self-esteem?

Adolescence is a phase full of changes. It is a phase in our development in which we are constantly looking for our place in the world. We feel the need to try out different roles and to experiment. That’s why teenagers’ self-confidence is so important. When teens have low self-confidence, they can go down an unfortunate path.

It is during adolescence that we feel a strong need to think deeply about ourselves. At the same time, the teenage brain is becoming more mature and learning new things. All this is part of finding our identity. Only if we develop a coherent self-image will we be able to develop a good sense of self.

Self-confidence is based on our self-image

Our self-image is the way we see ourselves. It feeds our self-knowledge. For example, self-esteem is seen in ideas such as, “I’m a person who makes very impulsive decisions,” “I like to walk my dog ​​in the park,” or “I can be very competitive in sports.”

In our first years of life, our self-image is more flexible. Therefore, during that time, we are more likely to incorporate the values, judgments, and expectations of our role models into our self-image. However, during adolescence, our values, judgments, and expectations will become more arbitrary and likely to change. In addition, they also become much less cohesive.

Teens' self-confidence is based on their self-image

Once we get a picture of who and what we are, this picture will also determine our worth. Therefore, teenagers’ self-confidence is based on their self-image. It depends on the value they give to themselves. Teens’ self-esteem includes the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and experiences they’ve had in their lives up to that point. They judge all these things. Then they determine whether they see themselves positively or negatively.

When do we form our self-confidence?

We begin to develop our self-esteem early in life, as does our self-image. It is the product of several interacting factors. One factor is genetics (temperament), and the other is your environment (personal, social and cultural). We assimilate and internalize these factors as we grow up. This evaluation may also vary depending on a person’s age.

How does a teen rate himself?

When you ask a teen to describe himself, he is usually talking about his appearance, physical characteristics (attractiveness, features, figure) and the activities he does (intellectual abilities and how he relates to others). At the same time, the image he has of himself will also be based on his idea of ​​worth and competence. It is closely related to success in school, social competence and emotional balance.

Teenagers’ self-confidence differs slightly by gender:

  • Teenage girls tend to have lower and more vulnerable self-esteem. They are more concerned about their physical appearance, social success and academic achievement.
  • In contrast, adolescent boys’ self-confidence is more determined by their ability to confront male stereotypes. Be confident, strong and fearless.
Boy looking in the mirror because teen self confidence matters

Teenagers’ self-confidence

Many aspects of a teenager’s life depend on their self-esteem: school, family, relationships, etc. These factors, in turn, will later influence their personality and happiness.

Teens with a lot of confidence…

  • Feel loved and accepted by those around them. In addition, they are motivated to learn, try new things and experience new places.
  • Tend to be optimistic about their future and can view problems from different angles.
  • Make short-term and long-term goals. They are able to take responsibility for their own behavior and decisions.
  • Are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They are not only able to accept criticism, but also to criticize themselves and face their problems.
  • Are emotionally stable and show empathy.
  • Teens with high self-esteem are sensitive to the needs of others. They communicate easily and have a healthy social environment.

Teens with low self-esteem…

However, behavior that points to the development of low self-esteem in teens is based on a lack of self-esteem and confidence in their potential. Teens with low self-esteem…

  • See themselves as inferior to others and feel disrespected and undervalued. They may refuse to engage in group activities that involve collaboration.
  • Are insecure about themselves and can suffer from paralyzing performance anxiety.
  • Often lacks discipline, dedication and the ability to take responsibility.
  • Constantly trying to stand out and can be untruthful and deceitful due to their constant need for attention.
  • Teens with low self-esteem put the blame on others and have aggressive, violent, regressive, defiant or antisocial attitudes.
Girl crying on scaffolding because teen self confidence matters

What is self confidence good for?

According to Erikson, adolescence is a search for identity and meaning. Although it is a period marked by crises and hormonal chaos, this is perfectly healthy and will result in a stronger identity in adulthood. Finding our identity is important when it comes to thinking about the future.

Therefore, self-confidence helps us to accept ourselves and appreciate our unique qualities. We should know our weaknesses, but we should also be aware of our strengths and let them shine.

It’s not about being selfish, it’s about being realistic and knowing your worth. Self-esteem is a sign of respect for yourself and others. A person who respects himself is one who respects others. And a person who values ​​himself also values ​​others.

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