How Can You Heal The Scar Of Betrayal?

How can you heal the scar of betrayal?

Betrayal is one of the most painful experiences any of us can experience. It doesn’t matter if it comes from your partner, a friend or a family member. Every time someone betrays your trust, it opens a wound that takes a long time to heal. Sometimes it never heals. And we all know that the more you trust the person who betrayed you, the bigger the scar of betrayal.

But you can’t just classify every disappointment as betrayal. Because the fact is that we as humans all disappoint each other sometimes. There are times when we can’t handle the circumstances and end up disappointing the people we love.

But the kind of betrayal that hurts and leaves a mark is the betrayal that people don’t accidentally commit. They are fully aware that they are doing something wrong and are doing it for totally selfish reasons. This kind of betrayal comes from someone who has reassured you about something. But that person then acts in a different way when the truth comes out.

The Different Types of Betrayal 

There are several kinds of betrayal. On the one hand, there is the betrayal we commit against ourselves. On the other hand, there are the forms of betrayal that people do to you. Most people think of love here. But that’s not the only kind that exists.

Healing the Scar of Betrayal

All the different ways of cheating someone have two aspects in common. First, they break through something that has been pre-established in an express or implicit way by one person. Second, they take advantage of the other person’s trust.

Anyone who has ever been betrayed has tasted the most bitter deception. They feel humiliated and ridiculed. Their thoughts, feelings and expectations have been completely overlooked. They became nothing more than an object for the other person’s intrigue. In other words, the other person has made them an object and used them. That is why the betrayal is so painful and leaves such a deep mark.

Overcome betrayal and heal the scar of betrayal

The most poisonous effect of betrayal is that the deceived person is left with a deep distrust. It can also spread to other people, not just you. Dealing with another person’s two faces is a very heavy blow that usually doesn’t heal on its own. That is why it is so important that you find a way to overcome betrayal. Here we give you some keys to do this:

  • Evaluate the situation. It is important that you find out exactly what caused the betrayal. Above all, you need to look carefully at whether they have cheated you on purpose or not. Their intentions really matter.
  • Don’t blame yourself. The person who has been cheated is the victim. Yet they often blame themselves for what happened. They punish themselves by telling themselves how stupid they have been over and over again. But you should never take any responsibility for what someone else has done. Treat yourself well.

By accepting what happened, you heal the scar of betrayal

  • Accept what happened. Maybe you’re trying to deny what happened. But you won’t get any further that way. So it is best that you accept what has happened and check whether or not there is a solution.
  • Give yourself time. Often times, betrayal will completely overwhelm you emotionally. So it’s good that you give yourself some time to get over the initial shock. This way you will also get a clear view of what happened.
  • Maintain balance. We humans all screw up sometimes. You mustn’t forget that. As difficult as it is, it is really important that you create balance.
  • Find the way of forgiveness. Forgiveness does not mean accepting what has happened without consequences. It also doesn’t mean you should pretend nothing happened. But it’s more about doing yourself justice and learning to put the past behind you.

Betrayal is always a bitter pill to swallow. But the scar of betrayal doesn’t always have to lead to lifelong trauma. When you’ve been cheated, the first thing to do is try to find your balance again. Because it’s the only way to move on. Don’t let another person’s actions affect the rest of your life.

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