Good Things Can Happen Anytime

Good things can happen at any time

Time shows us that good things can happen at any time and that life is full of wonderful coincidences that arise to color our world. Sometimes things come when we least expect them or when we need them most.

So try to really enjoy it when things are going well; after all, all good things come to an end. And if things go bad, don’t worry, because this too will come to an end. Don’t try to calculate everything. Life doesn’t stick to our plans at all; rather, it consists of a tapestry of intertwined coincidences.

Flowers in Hair

The best things in life are not planned, they just happen

Every now and then we come across a wonderful coincidence that we can only appreciate when we remove the pressure of expectations and the need to experience instant gratification and achieve results through our own efforts.

The blows that fate sometimes throws can be hard or soft, but apparently we have to give ourselves permission to enjoy the unexpected happiness of finding a new love, a new job or new opportunities.

The things that come out of coincidences are worth no less than other things. In fact, often the things we label as ‘happiness’ or ‘predestination’ actually arise in some way from our own effort and actions.

Just because we call these events “coincidences” doesn’t mean we should mistrust them, let alone criticize them. As we said before, it is much healthier to accept life as it is without questioning and analyzing everything. Just try to live.


What should be, will be, when it is time for this. Our fate is uncertain and sometimes we just have a headwind and it is harder to keep up, no matter how hard we try.

Respecting both your own rhythm and the rhythm of others

We should respect our own rhythm and the rhythm of other people so that we can make life easier. With both feet on the ground. You can’t force your heart to stop beating. If you did, it would be emotional suicide.

It is important to breathe to the sound of your own heartbeat and not to run away. We all know we get dizzy and may even feel like we’re drowning when we’re rushed and breathing too fast. Breathing too fast or too slow, or just not breathing properly, exhausts us completely and reduces our quality of life. You don’t need proof to believe in the accuracy of chance.

So the question we should be asking ourselves is,  ‘Why am I breathing so fast?’ Once we’ve reflected on this, we’ll know what to do to slow down our heart rate.

Flower between Rocks

There is no greater form of success than using chance

You should always push yourself to learn more about coincidence, about what is happening around you and how much you contribute to it. There is no need at all to feel that everything is urgent. Don’t push yourself to the limit by doing more than your best to get everything you want.

Taking your time and being patient does not mean that you are not taking advantage of life or that you are not putting in enough effort. Never forget that if something is not able to give you what you want, it will teach you what you need to know.

Therefore, value every moment; this moment will never come back. So come up with a motto for your life; something that will make you accept and feel that, when you least expect it, everything will eventually turn out the way you want it to.

And as the great García Márquez once said: never give up on looking for a great ‘maybe’ that is full of opportunity. 

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