Free Yourself From Stress With These 43 Questions

Free yourself from stress with these 43 questions

Stress is one of our main limitations today. Much of this stress has to do with the emotional strain we experience as a result of knowing we should avoid it as much as possible. It is true that we suffer from stress when we have too much to offer, but we can also experience stress in the completely opposite situation: when we have too much free time.

In any situation where stress accompanies us every day, we need to use some resources to find a healthy emotional balance for ourselves. Stress can cause or promote a lot of illnesses that, in the long run, will be difficult to solve.

Watercolor painting of girl and butterflies in the theme free yourself from stress

Free yourself from stress with these questions

Today I would like to share with you 43 questions that will enable you to free yourself spiritually and thereby avoid stress. I advise you to quickly get them words without analyzing them too much. There are no negative or positive answers, no right or wrong.

These questions will simply help you dive into the deepest part of your subconscious mind and overcome what is holding you back from moving forward. Their effectiveness and simplicity will amaze you.

  • How old do you think you look if you didn’t know your age?
  • Which is worse: defeat or never try?
  • Why when life is so short do you do so many things you don’t like and so few things you are really passionate about?
  • When the task is complete, all is said and done, have you said or done more?
  • If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
  • If luck were the local currency, what job would make you a millionaire?
  • Are you doing something you believe in or are you trying to believe in what you are doing?
  • If a person’s life were an average of 50 years, what would you change about yours to live it to the fullest?
  • It’s raining, you need a ride home, a car stops in front of you, who’s in the car?
Giant girl touches the moon in the theme free yourself from stress
  • What do you care more about: doing something right or doing something right?
  • You’re out to dinner with three friends you appreciate and respect. They start criticizing a close friend of yours without knowing about your friendship. The criticism is unfair, how do you respond?
  • If you could give a small child just one piece of advice, what would it be?
  • Would you break the law to save someone you love?
  • Have you seen madness where you have seen genius?
  • What do you do differently in your life than others?
  • How is it possible that what makes you happy doesn’t make others happy?
  • What are you really longing for but haven’t done yet? What’s stopping you from doing it?
  • Are you holding on to something that you should have let go of a long time ago?
  • If you had the chance to move to another country forever, where would you go and why?
  • Do you press the button on the elevator several times? Do you think he’ll come faster then?
  • Which would you rather be: a neurotic genius or a happy fool?
  • Why are you who you are?
  • If you could be your own friend, would you really enjoy that friendship?
  • You come home and an unexpected visitor is waiting for you, who is it?
  • What makes you feel most grateful in your life?
  • What do you prefer: losing all your memories or not being able to make new ones?
  • Is it possible to know the truth without making an effort?
  • Has your worst fear come true?
  • Do you remember what made you feel bad when you were three years old? Does that still have the same meaning for you now?
  • What is your best childhood memory? Why is it a beautiful memory?
  • What experiences from your past made you feel like you were really alive?
  • If not now, when?
  • If you haven’t achieved what you wanted to achieve, what’s stopping you from achieving it?
  • Have you ever spent time with someone without exchanging a word and later thought it was the best conversation you ever had?
  • Is it possible to know what is right and wrong without doubting whether you might be wrong?
  • If you were given a million dollars now, would you give up your job?
  • Which do you prefer: having a lot to do knowing you have to do it or having little to do but doing what you love?
  • Do you feel that today has already repeated itself millions of times?
  • If everyone knew you were going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
  • What is the difference between life and existence?
  • When will the day come when it will finally be worth taking a chance and doing what feels right?
  • If you learn from your mistakes, why are you afraid to make them?
  • What would you do differently if you were sure no one would judge you?

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