Four Exercises To Prevent Scoliosis

Four exercises to prevent scoliosis

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine that often develops during the growth period just before puberty.  It is especially common if the growth occurs suddenly. It can affect any part of the spine, but it is most common in the chest or lower back.

Exercises have been developed to prevent scoliosis that can be combined with orthopedic remedies or surgery. This article describes some of those exercises. When performed properly, they can realign your spine, ribcage, shoulders, and pelvis. All of this can help you get back to your normal posture. But consult your doctor first if you suffer from a severe form of scoliosis.

What exactly is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is most common in children. In most cases, no treatment is necessary, and the curvature resolves itself as the child grows. However, severe curvature and age at which it develops requires a combination of physiotherapy and orthopedic remedies.

Child with scoliosis

A small number of patients with scoliosis require surgery. This only happens in the most severe cases. Complications include chronic pain, impaired breathing, and decreased mobility.

Some studies say that targeted exercises are not an alternative to orthopedics or surgery. On the other hand, they can be used  as intervention therapy, and you can use them on their own or in combination with other types of intervention.

The benefits of doing exercises

If exercises aren’t an alternative to surgery, why do them at all? As we have already indicated,  the function of these exercises is to prevent complications in the future. These are therefore the advantages:

  • Reduced chance of surgery or a brace.
  • Stabilize and reduce curvature.
  • Stops the progression of the condition.
  • Improved brain and muscle coordination.
  • Reducing the curvature of the spine.

Four exercises to prevent scoliosis

Below we describe the four best exercises to prevent scoliosis. If you do them often, you will notice that the symptoms decrease.

1. The shelf

There are several ways to do this exercise, but  they all help strengthen your back and abs. However, beginners should do the version where they support their body with forearms and toes.

Keep your body up, facing the floor, making sure your stomach and legs don’t touch the floor. Then contract your abs and hold this position for a minute, taking a deep breath. Then rest for a minute.

Remember that  your body should be completely straight, parallel to the floor. Do not bend your knees or lower your back.

The plank

2. Bird dog

This is one of the best exercises to prevent scoliosis. You need a fitness ball to support your abdomen. Lie on the ball, supporting your body with your toes.

Then lift your left leg and your right hand. Hold this position for three seconds, then lower your hand and leg. Then lift your left hand and your right leg. Also hold this position for three seconds before lowering your hand and leg again. Repeat this exercise ten times.

Remember to keep your torso still using the ball  so you don’t fall. This helps to strengthen your back as well as the muscles in your torso.

3. Triceps lifts

Tricep lifts help train the muscles that support your torso. Weights are great for this exercise, but if your arms are weak, you can also use a piece of equipment.

Sit on a fitness ball with your legs spread shoulder-width apart. Take a weight in your right hand and lift it above your head. Then hold your right hand with your left hand. Then bend your elbow and press your right forearm down behind your back. Raise your right hand and exhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise ten times and then do the same with your other hand.

Make sure you keep breathing well, this is important. Remember that you inhale when you bend your elbow and exhale when you extend your hand.

4. The Tree Pose

This yoga pose is perfect for preventing and treating scoliosis. To start,  stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Support your body with your right foot and bend your left knee up. Grab your left knee with both hands.

Then place your left foot flat against your right thigh. Bring your palms together and hold them overhead, keeping your balance on your right leg. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat five times, then five more times with your other leg.

These four exercises for scoliosis will help prevent the most severe symptoms. But  if you notice the pain getting worse, see your doctor right away. He’ll tell you what’s best for you.

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